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Report: Ukraine Communications Group is the latest iteration of the “Ministry of Truth”
By Kevin Hughes // Jun 18, 2024

The newly established Ukraine Communications Group (UCG) appears to be the latest iteration of the Ministry of Truth, much like the now-defunct Disinformation Governance Board (DGB).

According to political analyst Andrew Korybko, Washington and Warsaw made two agreements to set up the UCG – based in the Polish capital. A press release by the U.S. Department of State said the UCG's goal is "to coordinate messaging, promote accurate reporting of Russia's full-scale invasion, amplify Ukrainian voices, and expose Kremlin information manipulation."

The UCG was inaugurated on June 10, with senior U.S. diplomat James Rubin and his Polish counterpart Tomasz Chlon taking part in the ceremony. Both are tasked with countering disinformation, according to the Associated Press (AP). It began work the following day, June 11.

According to Rubin, the group will include representatives from 12 countries – including Ukraine itself and will work in a space given by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Among the UCG's many goals is trying to discover and debunk Russian disinfo campaigns aimed at weakening support for Kyiv worldwide.

"The challenge in information warfare is not only to know what the Russians are doing, it's to also figure out what are the best ways to combat it," Rubin told media outlets that graced the launch. He added that while the idea for the initiative came from the U.S., Poland gladly embraced it. The AP pointed out that the government of Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk is "greatly concerned by the damage that disinformation can pose to democracies."

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But Korybko warned that despite the UCG being nominally "directed against Russia, it will possibly also be designed against the West's conservative-nationalist opposition and could easily evolve to include more subjects than just Ukraine." He then recounted the fate of the now-defunct DGB, which was under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The board, which existed for mere months in 2022, was forced to close down under public pressure because of legitimate concerns that its authority risked violating Americans' civil liberties. (Related: Disinformation Government Board may soon rewrite history and change facts under the cover of anti-disinformation campaign.)

Korybko: DGB's architects "learned their lesson" and are applying it with the UCG

According to the Moscow-based Korybko, the DGB's architects "have learned their lesson" not to build up a similar institution at home – thus, the establishment of the UCG in Warsaw with the defunct board's functions. He noted that the UCG's foreign location and limited foreign composition permit the U.S. government to "plausibly deny" allegations that it poses a comparable threat to the civil liberties of Americans as its predecessor did.

Moreover, the political analyst warned that the UCG could possibly be weaponized against the conservative-nationalist opposition in the West that has been challenging the ruling liberal-globalist elite.

Further fueling suspicion of the UCG's nefarious purpose were remarks made by Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski. The former defense minister said anyone who backs traditional values, is against illegal immigration and and questions any facet of the Ukrainian war might be under Russian influence.

"Having been formed almost five months ahead of November's presidential election on foreign soil; outside the purview of the U.S. Constitution; and partially comprised of foreign governments, the UCG can be wielded by the [U.S. government] to meddle in the coming vote much more effectively than ever before," Korybko noted.

"In practice, this platform can help the West’s ruling liberal-globalist elite gain an edge in every forthcoming election by coordinating their information warfare campaigns and illegal surveillance schemes.

Watch this clip from "The American Journal" about the now-defunct DGB being intended to target American dissidents.

This video is from the InfoWars channel on Brighteon.com.

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