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Report finds overwhelming PRO-ISRAEL BIAS in British media outlets when it comes to Gaza reporting
By Ramon Tomey // Mar 18, 2024

A report has discovered that media outlets in the United Kingdom show an overwhelming bias toward Israel when it comes to reporting on Palestine and the Gaza Strip.

According to the Daily Expose, the report was "the result of months of qualitative and quantitative analysis" done by researchers from the Center for Media Monitoring (CMM). The said report highlights "the U.K. media's systematic bias in favor of Israel in its reporting on the Gaza situation."

The Expose cited a separate piece by British-Palestinian journalist Hamza Ali Shah, who expounded on  the CMM report for Declassified UK. The report analyzed 176,627 television clips from over 13 broadcasters including the BBC, ITV, Sky and Channel 4. It also looked at 25,515 news articles from over 28 British online media websites including the Guardian, the Times, the Experess and the Telegraph.

The clips and articles were published between Oct. 7 and Nov. 7, 2023. This incidentally coincided with Hamas' attack on Israel and the month after that, which saw Israel decimate the Gaza Strip in retaliation. "The data was analyzed for the framing of events, use of language and representation of Palestinian voices," Ali Shah continued.

According to the CMM report, 76 percent of online articles frame Israel's aggression as the "Israel-Hamas war" rather than a one-sided military offensive by Tel Aviv against the Palestinians in Gaza. Over 70 percent of the terms "atrocities," "slaughter" and "massacre" in broadcast media were used exclusively to pertain to attacks against Israelis instead of the over way around. (Related: CNN admits ALL of its Gaza-related coverage is examined (and controlled) by Israeli military censor.)

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Moreover, the report also pointed to a notable absence of Palestinian voices in TV reporting. News broadcasts have referenced Israeli perspectives almost three times more – 4,311 instances – than the 1,598 times Palestinian views were referenced. Online articles showed the same, with 1,195 mentions of "Israelis killed" – 55 percent more than the 665 mentions of "Palestinians were killed."

MSM pushes "right to self-defense" for Israelis, but not for Palestinians

Ali Shah also mentioned that based on the CMM report, many mainstream media (MSM) broadcasters "emphasize Israel's supposed right to defend itself in Gaza." However, the Palestinians' right to defend themselves from Israeli atrocities aren't emphasized.

"Across TV, the insistence on this Israeli 'right' is mentioned in 1,482 occasions. [In] contrast, mentions of the right to Palestinians to resist Israel's onslaught in Gaza amount to just 278," he wrote. The broadcaster with the highest percentage of mentions of any rights associated with the Palestinians was the Qatari-owned Al Jazeera English.

The same issue is also prevalent in online media, the CMM report added. Online media outlets mentioned Israel's right to self-defense 963 times. In contrast, the mention of any rights for Palestinians only amounted to a total of 163.

Moreover, the report also disclosed the unabashed Islamophobia in MSM commentaries on the Israel situation. These commentaries often frame the conflict as one between Muslims and Jews. The CMM report named GB News and TalkTV, the latter owned by former Fox News Chair Rupert Murdoch, as repeat offenders.

One instance involved GB News panelist Leo Kearse, who accused "a lot of Muslims" and a "lot of woke leftists" of supporting or equivocating with Hamas. Another example cited in the report was writer and historian Rafe-Heydel Mankoo, who went on an unhinged rant on TalkTV.

"For many Muslims, hatred of Jews is motivated by religion far more the politics," he said. "The hatred of Jews infects much of the Muslim world."

Visit NewsCartels.com for more news about the biases and agendas of mainstream media.

Watch this clip from TruNews that explains how Israel is controlling the narrative in Gaza.

This video is from the TruNews channel on Brighteon.com.

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