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Biden-linked MeidasTouch owner refusing to pay staff, editor quits
By News Editors // Jul 24, 2024

Los Angeles Magazine Editor-in-Chief Shirley Halperin has resigned after just over a year on the job amid reports the publication’s owners—Mark Geragos and Ben Meiselas—have failed to pay reporters, photographers, freelancers, and other vendors for their work. Meiselas co-founded the far-left, anti-Donald Trump MeidasTouch Network with his brothers Jordan and Brett, which has spread conspiracy theories regarding the former president and Republican lawmakers.

(Article by William Upton republished from TheNationalPulse.com)

Responding to a report in The Wrap regarding Halperin’s resignation and the failure to pay staff and freelancers, the magazine offered a non-answer. “We are proud that Los Angeles Magazine will have a profitable year in a challenging media environment, and circulation is way up,” Christopher Gialanella, the president and publisher of Los Angeles Magazine, said, adding: “We will be announcing our new Editor-In-Chief in the next two weeks.”


Ben Meiselas and his law partner Mark Geragos purchased Los Angeles Magazine in 2022 for an estimated $6 million. At the time of the purchase, the magazine was an unprofitable venture. Under Meiselas and Geragos, the magazine has continued to hemorrhage cash.

According to The Wrap, Greg Gilman—the executive editor for the magazine’s website—departed the publication last month over the failure to pay freelancers and the “lack of vision and strategy by new owners.” Meiselas and Geragos are said to have “little or no regard for journalists and media industry.”

The National Pulse has reported extensively on Ben Meiselas and his brothers’ MeidasTouch operation. Ron Filipkowski, Editor-in-Chief of the far-left network, has likened his organization’s behavior on social media to criminal arson, “dropping a burning ember in a dry forest” and creating a “big blaze” of fake news within hours. MeidasTouch popularized the “bloodbath” hoax against Trump, and has been praised by the Biden-Harris regime as their “front lines.”

Disgraced attorney and perjuror Michael Cohen is a regular contributor to the far-left website, which has received funding from Epstein Island visitor Reid Hoffman and the scandal-ridden Lincoln Project.

Read more at: TheNationalPulse.com

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