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MSNBC guest calls for donor class to “put a bullet in Donald Trump”
By Ethan Huff // Jul 16, 2024

A lot of people missed it since nobody watches MSNBC, but last fall the left-wing cable news outlet gave a platform to anti-Trump strategist Rick Wilson who called for a "bullet" to be sent into the body of Donald Trump.

"The donor class can't just sit back on the sidelines and say 'oh well, don't worry, this will all work itself out,'" Wilson, founder of the Lincoln Project, said in the interview. "They're still gonna have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump. That's a fact."

The "@amuse" (@amuse) X account shared the following video of Wilson on MSNBC calling for Trump to be assassinated:

(Related: Did you know that, at best, Biden's brain only works for a few hours each day – the rest of the time he is napping or otherwise incapacitated.)

Anti-Trump meltdowns

A seasoned political strategist, advertising guru and media commentator, Wilson is no schlock, at least officially. He claims to support holding elected officials accountable whenever they violate their oaths to the Constitution. And yet when he feels threatened, Wilson apparently lashes out with calls for violence.

The Lincoln Project, by the way, has this as its mission:

"... to hold accountable those who would violate their oaths to the Constitution and would place their loyalty to others before their loyalty to the American people and democracy."

Wilson also authored two very anti-Trump books: Everything Trump Touches Dies and Running Against the Devil: A Plot to Save America from Trump and Democrats from Themselves – the Lincoln Project, after all, claims to be Republican, hence the name of that second book.

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Responding to Wilson's statement about putting a bullet in Trump, @amuse tweeted that he should not be given a free pass just "because he's not making a specific threat."

"... he's inspiring unstable Democrats to carry out an assassination," @amuse added.

"This is blatant incitement," tweeted "MoSmith" (@MoSmithHMC). "Unbelievable that people harbor so much hate that they would say this on national television!"

Another noted that this is not the first time that Wilson called for Trump to be assassinated.

"He said this again?" this person wrote. "He needs to be talked to by Trump's Secret Service. Can they do that?"

In response to several X users who tried to defend Wilson by claiming that he did not mean an actual bullet but rather a figurative one aimed at Trump's campaign, @amuse also had this to say:

"It is one thing to say something at dinner or at the bar. But when you're on national news speaking as an expert your words matter. Calling for Americans to put a bullet in President Trump's head is not alright. It is illegal. It incites crazy people to commit violence."

"People think they can say whatever they want these days and get away with it," wrote another. "It's wrong."

Considering people on the right have been imprisoned over memes, it would only make logical sense for Wilson to be prosecuted the same way – or does he get a free pass simply because his target is Trump?

"They really, really wanna make this guy a martyr," another X user wrote.

"What ever happened to the co-founder of the Lincoln Project, John Weaver, for making sexual advances towards men and boys as young as 14 years old?" asked another.

"Personally, I think the whole group is a bunch of pedophiles but who knows. I know they're not the Republicans they pretend to be."

The latest news about American elections can be found at Rigged.news.

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