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Libertarians select gay, Antifa-loving, Trump-hating, vaccine mandate-supporting, open borders enthusiast as their presidential candidate
By News Editors // May 28, 2024

The Libertarian Party has selected their preferred presidential candidate after a tumultuous weekend that saw speeches from both RFK Jr. and leading GOP candidate and former president Donald Trump. The nominee is none other than Chase Oliver, the Antifa-loving, Drag Queen Story Hour-backing, vaccine mandate supporting, open border enthusiast who hates Trump. Oliver, who describes himself as "armed and gay" has a history of taking radically left-wing positions.

(Article by Thomas Stevenson republished from PostMillenial.com)

In the final round of voting at the Libertarian national convention, Oliver won with 60 percent of the vote, clearing the majority threshold to secure the nomination for the 2024 election. The voting itself took more than seven hours and seven rounds of elimination voting before Oliver got the nod from his party. Oliver beat out closest contender Michael Rectenwald, a former NYU professor, to take the nomination.

During his victory speech, Oliver said, "I will continue to bring a hopeful and positive message of liberty to both those who consider themselves libertarian and those who don't know they are libertarian yet." He also pledged to his party cohorts that "we can set the world free in our lifetimes" and would end the "genocide in Gaza."

Oliver called Trump an "authoritarian" and said that other Libertarians should not unite with him at the head of the Republican party. He also did not want him to address the convention unless he would stand to debate the Libertarian nominee.

Oliver has also defended Antifa, the leaderless group that wreaked havoc across the US during the George Floyd riots of 2020 and is the force behind the ongoing Atlanta Stop Cop City protests, which he also supports.

Oliver has consistently shared content from Antifa group pages on his Facebook account. He also compared those who fought in World War II to "antifascists." Oliver himself has claimed the label of being antifascist.

In 2020, when Trump said Antifa would be designated as a terrorist organization, Oliver shared a post from Spike Cohen defending the violent left-wing organization that said, "There is no Antifa organization" Oliver said, echoing the sentiments of leftist media outlets who made the same false claim.

He said he made "ending cash bail a central part of [his] 2020 run for Congress."

In addition to hating on Trump and showing favorability towards Antifa, Oliver has also stated that he is fine with Drag Queen Story Hour, which is a San Francisco based initiative that brings drag queens to libraries to read books to children about gender identity, because he claimed that the practice isn't sexualized.

On other LGBTQ issues, Oliver is in favor of allowing minors to get puberty blockers as well as well as hormones for sex changes.

Oliver posted in 2021 that businesses should also be able to implement vaccine mandates for their employees. He only took issue with mandates when it reached the level of the government imposing the mandates.

Oliver backed leftist President Barack Obama, saying in 2012 "Only 1 week away from the Obama fundraiser I am a part of. I hope to see all my dem and independent Facebook buddies come out. We will even take republicans :) as long as they are willing to donate."

Oliver supports open border policies and has said that the United States does not need border security. He would prefer that Immigration and Customs Enforcement be abolished, as would so many Antifa militants.

Read more at: PostMillenial.com

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