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CYBER POLYGON 2024 : Great Reset begins with engineered Internet breakdown followed by CBDC roll-out
By News Editors // Jul 22, 2024

First, it’s important to understand that The Powers That Be (TPTB) themselves have never been so disunited and confused, incohesive and disordered.

(Article republished from StateOfTheNation.co)

In point of fact, all of the major implementation plans on their New World Order agenda have gone awry.  Every nefarious scheme to foist a One World Government on the world community of nations has been thrown into disarray.  Just look at their crazy Covid clusterf*ck to understand their current stewpot.

Nevertheless, the power elite will continue to carry out their Great Reset since so much of their world takeover project greatly depends upon it.  Toward that end, CYBER POLYGON plays an integral role in that global controlled demolition of cyberspace as a necessary precursor to their long planned CBDC roll-out.

It ought to be obvious that such a massive and far-reaching international outage just doesn’t happen by accident; rather, this was a classic MIHOP event.

MIHOP = Made It Happen On Purpose

But just how do we know that?

Because, CrowdStrike is involved—THAT’S WHY!

Necessary Perspective

There are multiple international wars and and domestic conflicts taking place across planet Earth in 2024 and beyond.

Each one of these is BIG as in “biblical”.

Israel versus Iran is literally Armageddon.

Russia versus NATO is potentially an apocalyptic nuclear World War III.

China versus the US would mark the end of the existing Global Economic and Financial System.

You got the picture.

Then there is the Right vs the Left—around the globe.

In the USA, that means the end of either the Democrats or the Republicans or both.

Ditto that for Brazil and Argentina, France and Germany, UK and Italy………

TPTB can no longer stage manage so much manufactured chaos, confusion and conflict worldwide.

And it is the Internet, their single greatest weapon against all of humanity, that has also become their greatest curse.


Which means that the Tyrannical Technocracy has been ordered to change the entire dynamic which now dominates throughout cyberspace and is known by the scared elites as “freedom of speech”.

In fact, so much radioactive truth and raw facts are being disseminated daily that even the most advanced AI monitors are unable to keep up, especially when even Autonomous Superintelligence cannot decipher all the powerful new memes in real time.

Hence, for the dark side to successfully execute their plans for a total planetary lockdown, they must exert complete command and control over all of cyberspace.

That’s where the WEF’s CYBER POLYGON comes in.

Welcome to the second July Surprise!   The utterly staged false flag Trump assassination hoax being the first one.

CYBER POLYGON: Sponsored by the World Economic Forum

By the way, isn’t it very interesting that today’s global Internet outage occurred the day after what was considered by the politicos to be a very successful Republican National Convention?  After all, Donald Trump is not considered to be a close friend of that globalist Davos crowd at the World Economic Forum.

Read more at: StateOfTheNation.co

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