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Europe unveils first climate-centric social credit scheme called CopenPay: Tourists to be rewarded for “green actions”
By Ethan Huff // Jul 30, 2024

The city of Copenhagen in Denmark has launched a new social rewards system called "CopenPay" that critics say is a social credit scoring system in the making.

CopenPay was created to reward tourists visiting the city for taking "green actions" like using public transportation or bicycles instead of cars to get around. Those who take green actions are rewarded with access to free food, "cultural experiences," and more.

One example of the CopenPay system in action is the free 20 minutes of skiing time that visitors to the CopenHill dry ski slope receive if they arrive at the facility by foot or bike. Another is the free vegetarian lunch offered to anyone who volunteers at a local urban farm.

The purpose of CopenPay, according to its designers, is "... to encourage sustainable behaviour and enrich the cultural experience of visitors and residents in Copenhagen by transforming green actions into currency for cultural experiences."

Apparently, too many people are visiting Copenhagen and not taking green actions as desired by the Danish government. As such, CopenPay was introduced to provide incentives for tourists to voluntarily go green without having to be forced.

"There is a need to change the mindset of tourists and encourage green choices [...]," says WonderfulCopenhagen.com. "Through CopenPay we therefore aim to incentivize tourists' sustainable behaviour while enriching their cultural experience of our destination."

"It is an experimental and a small step towards creating a new mindset [...] The hope is not only to continue the pilot project, but also to inspire other cities around the world to introduce similar initiatives."

(Related: The world's top "climate communicators" say that the best way to manipulate people into supporting climate lunacy is to point-blank lie to them about everything.)

One day, green actions won't be optional – they'll be mandatory

The problem with programs like this is that they start off enticing and optional, only to eventually become onerous and forced. All things climate-related are like this.

From the above quote, notice the use of terms like "changing mindset" and "encouraging behaviour." These are ominous terms, especially when they come from the government, because they indicate an agenda of conversion from one way of thinking to another.

The endgame is the transformation of green actions into a form of currency whereby those who participate are rewarded while those who do not are punished. Ultimately, all those "free" meals and "free" ski experiences are being paid for by taxpayers that will bear the burden of the climate non-compliant.

"This is climate change based behavioral modification," warns Kit Knightly, writing for Off-Guardian.org. "This is a social credit system. Small scale and optional, sure, but there's no denying that’s what it is."

"For now it's optional and only for tourists. They are testing the waters. Barring a catastrophic failure it won't stay that way for long. They likely won't ever make it mandatory to take part, rather – like bank accounts and cellphones – opting out will simply be too difficult for most people to bother with."

Knightly believes that the "rewarding green actions" protocol will eventually transform into "punishing non-green actions." Eventually, those "cultural experiences" that are free for the compliant will be off-limits to the non-compliant whose social credit scores are too low to allow for participation.

"This isn't guesswork," Knightly concludes. "We don't have to guess where this leads, because we know. They told us. They laid out the world they want to build, and this is just one of the first bricks."

The latest news about the climate insanity that is sweeping the world can be found at Climate.news.

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