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Trump announces plans for technology sector if elected – NO CENSORSHIP and YES to FREE SPEECH in AI
By Ramon Tomey // Jul 15, 2024

Former President Donald Trump has announced several plans for the technology sector if he is elected a second time, with the Republican National Committee (RNC) adopting them.

First in these plans is the promotion of free speech in the development of artificial intelligence (AI). According to Reclaim the Net, the Biden administration's Executive Order (EO) on AI signed in October of last year runs contrary to Trump's agenda in the matter.

"The administration will work with allies and partners abroad on a strong international framework to govern the development and use of AI," the White House said in a statement at the time. "The actions that President [Joe] Biden directed today are vital steps forward in the U.S.'s approach on safe, secure and trustworthy AI."

According to Republicans, the EO on AI is dangerous as it puts roadblocks in the path of AI innovation. It also imposes "radical left-wing ideas on the development of this technology." Thus, the GOP has pledged to back AI development based on free speech and the flourishing of humanity.

Aside from AI, the GOP has also zeroed in on the weaponization of the federal government under the Biden administration. In particular, the party has taken issue with the White House striving to impose ideology and joining forces with private technology firms to stifle lawful speech. This censorship, according to Reclaim The Net, is used "as a political weapon against opponents."

"We will declassify government records, root out wrongdoers and fire corrupt employees. We will ban the federal government from colluding with anyone to censor lawful speech, defund institutions engaged in censorship and hold accountable all bureaucrats involved with illegal censoring. We will protect free speech online," the GOP platform stated.

Human knowledge is under attack! Governments and powerful corporations are using censorship to wipe out humanity's knowledge base about nutrition, herbs, self-reliance, natural immunity, food production, preparedness and much more. We are preserving human knowledge using AI technology while building the infrastructure of human freedom. Speak freely without censorship at the new decentralized, blockchain-power Brighteon.io. Explore our free, downloadable generative AI tools at Brighteon.AI. Support our efforts to build the infrastructure of human freedom by shopping at HealthRangerStore.com, featuring lab-tested, certified organic, non-GMO foods and nutritional solutions.

Trump also plans to ban CBDCs

Aside from promoting free speech in AI development and opposing the weaponization of government through censorship, Trump's platform adopted by the RNC also rejects central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) such as the digital dollar. (Related: Trump tells supporters he will "never allow" a CBDC if re-elected.)

According to Reclaim The Net, opponents of CBDCs cite the digital dollar's potential to be used as another tool to further limit and weaken people’s financial independence and privacy. At the same time, CBDCs serve as building blocks to form the foundations of an Orwellian mass surveillance endeavor.

But the GOP frames the issue from an economic perspective. The party under Trump is reportedly dedicated to finding future economic progress for their country by becoming a leader in what the document calls emerging industries.

Under this roadmap, a CBDC does not qualify – but decentralized cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are. The RNC vows to at once end Democrats' "unlawful and un-American crypto crackdown" and oppose a CBDC for the U.S. if Trump wins in November.

The platform also reiterates its defense of Bitcoin, including defending the right to mine it – an energy-intensive endeavor. The GOP will also defend "the right to self-custody of their digital assets, and transact free from government surveillance and control." The latter is ostensibly a response to the issue of government meddling in people's economic sovereignty.

Reclaim The Net ultimately remarked that the policy pledges by Trump and the RNC concerning technology can be described as "a return to common sense."

Head over to Trump.news for more stories about the former president.

Watch Brother Nathanael Kapner warning that CBDCs, which the Republicans oppose, will usher in the One World Government in the clip below.

This video is from The Prisoner channel on Brighteon.com.

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