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TRUTH about Kamala Harris: She was, in fact, appointed by Biden to be America’s open borders czar
By Ethan Huff // Jul 30, 2024

In case you have not noticed, the media is trying its hardest right now to obscure the fact that Joe Biden appointed Kamala Harris to be his regime's "border czar" back in 2021, a position she failed at as evidenced by the tens of millions of illegal migrants who have flooded the country in the years since.

Their first reactionary argument was that Kamala was never in charge of the border, which is a lie. Now, they are admitting that Kamala was in charge of the border, but not in the way Republicans are claiming.

The New Yorker ran a piece claiming that Kamala's job was to address the "root causes" of migration from the so-called Northern Triangle of Central America, which includes Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

"At no point in her tenure as Vice-President has she been in charge of managing the border," declares Jonathan Blitzer about Kamala.

Elise Stefanik, the third-ranking Republican in the House, feels differently. Stefanik just announced plans to file an emergency resolution "condemning Kamala Harris' role as Joe Biden's 'Border czar' leading to the most catastrophic open border crisis in history."

According to Stefanik and her colleagues, Kamala "came to be known colloquially as the Biden administration's 'border czar'" after Biden himself publicly announced that her job during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic" and beyond was to deal with the problems at America's southern border.

In a tweet of his own, Trending Politics co-owner Collin Rugg revealed that the media has been feverishly scrubbing all traces of its own repeated use of the term "border czar" as reference to Kamala. He also shared the following video as evidence:

(Related: House Republicans are now trying to impeach Kamala for mismanaging the southern border and hiding Biden's advanced cognitive decline.)

Kamala removed from GovTrack's "most liberal Senator" entry

To make her appear less radical and more centrist, GovTrack also removed Kamala from its "most liberal Senator" entry.

During Kamala's 2019 legislative year from Jan. 3, 2019, through Dec. 31, 2019, she was ranked as the most left-wing liberal in the Senate compared to every other Democrat in office.

"Our unique ideology analysis assigns a score to Members of Congress according to their legislative behavior by how similar the pattern of bills and resolutions they cosponsor are to other Members of Congress," GovTrack explained at the time about its methodology.

Rugg called all this shimmying around of the truth "Operation Rewrite" in that it is a desperate attempt to make Kamala more likeable and relatable to average Americans.

"We need to take all the facts and have them posted all over the MSM media and online accounts," wrote "April Meyer" (@meyer320) on X.

"So done with them lying and we now have X so we have the receipts and ability now to show how bad the media is lying. Maybe when they get called out constantly with receipts for their lies they will be more cautious with their lies."

"All they know how to do is lie," responded another. "So there's no way they're going to be more cautious. They'll just get louder, hoping to drown out the truth that's exposing their lies. And the next step beyond removing any traces of their past they can is removing any traces of the facts like in 1984."

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