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Putin responds to Ukraine’s long-range missile strikes by arming allies
By Ethan Huff // Jun 07, 2024

Because the West continues to cross Russia's "red line" by arming Kiev to the teeth with long-range weapons capable of striking the inner parts of Russia, President Putin is planning to arm Russia's allies in "sensitive" areas.

The "asymmetric" plan involves strategically equipping allies of Russia in key areas with weapons that Putin says will deter Western powers from continuing to threaten Russia.

"We have no illusions in this regard," Putin told an audience at the recent St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).

Even though Ukrainian troops are technically the ones pulling the trigger, their weapons in hand come from places like the United States and the United Kingdom, which Putin wants to stop.

In order to do so, Putin says he will boost the air defenses of strategically located Russian allies while destroying the long-range missiles that the Volodymyr Zelensky regime is blasting into Russian territory.

"If someone deems it possible to supply such weapons to the war zone, to strike our territory ... why shouldn't we supply similar weapons to those regions of the world where they will be used against sensitive sites of these countries?" Putin asked at the gathering.

"We can respond asymmetrically. We will give it a thought."

(Related: Did you know that 97 countries are planning to participate in the upcoming BRICS 2024 Games hosted by Russia?)

Western powers pushing the limit toward WWIII

Should the West continue even after that to supply Kiev with long-range missiles and other advanced weaponry, then Russia will have no choice but to escalate things even further to protect its interests.

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Russia "will completely destroy international relations and undermine international security," Putin further threatened as a notice to the West to back off immediately or else face the ire of the Russian military.

"If we see that these countries are being drawn into a war against us, and this is their direct participation in the war against Russia, then we reserve the right to act in a similar way," Putin added. "This is a recipe for very serious problems."

Concerned only about its continued existence, NATO, at the expense of Western economies and society, is flagrantly crossing Russia's red lines by sending military instructors and advisers to Ukraine. According to Putin, many of these people have been killed in Russian strikes.

NATO insists that providing weapons and manpower to Kiev does not make any NATO country party to the conflict with Russia. Russia disagrees, though, not to mention the fact that Kiev keeps trying to bend the rules the further Russia advances in its special military operation.

Last month as Russian troops began their advance towards Kharkov, Ukraine started begging for permission to bring in outside Western help to fight the Russian army. A British-led pressure campaign towards this end ultimately persuaded Washington to comply, which means the U.S. is also putting itself in Putin's crosshairs.

"You can't find anything more toxic than the Zionist lobby," wrote a commenter at RT about how the Anglo powers that be, in this case Great Britain, always instigate these kinds of escalations while convincing Americans to go along with it.

Another speculated that perhaps the allies of Russia that will be strategically armed in Putin's asymmetric warfare strategy will include Yemen, Iran, Syria and Venezuela.

"Expect sporadic conflicts overseas on both sides," wrote someone else. "Citizens of the West and Russia will be on high alert."

"Offer assistance to the Houthis which are sinking U.S. ships in the Red Sea," suggested another. "The shadow U.S. government is asking for a war it won't win."

Things are heating up on the war front. Keep up with the latest at WWIII.news.

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