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Hillary Clinton absurdly says “pregnant women” are targets of misogynistic climate change
By Ethan Huff // Dec 27, 2023

Two-time failed presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton is still at it spewing nonsensical, nobody-cares-to-hear-them opinions about world affairs whenever she gets the chance.

Most recently, Clinton made her opinions known about climate change, which she described as being misogynistic against women and girls, "and particularly pregnant women."

"We know, and estimate, that we probably could measure about 500,000 deaths [from climate change last year], and the majority of those are women and girls," Clinton complained at a recent climate change summit, which she attended via a private jet.

At the COP28 global warming meeting in Dubai, Clinton also complained about the lack of women around the negotiating table, which she described as a major concern because, in her view, the "tide has been turned" against the voices of women in recent years.

"In many of the governments that are represented here at COP, there are no women," Clinton whined with a scowl. "How do we get the concerns of women to be heard? That's what events like these are about."

Clinton would go on in one of her quintessential rants to complain about feeling like she and the rest of the world's women are now "swimming against the tide" because "the tide has been turned against women in many parts of the world."

(Related: Check out our earlier coverage about Clinton Foundation donors being a who's who list of the world's most evil corporations.)

Hillary Clinton hates motherhood, being a wife

The point of Clinton's preachy monologue at COP28 was to make women seem like victims of the alleged climate crisis, and to urge the men in attendance at the event to listen to women more when crafting climate legislation and restrictions.

The former Democratic presidential candidate talked about the "visible pushback" she feels is taking place against women's rights and opportunities. Clinton is also concerned about the effects of extreme heat stemming from climate change on the bodies of women and girls.

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Clinton took particular issue with statements made by Chinese leader Xi Jinping, who called on the world's women to "actively cultivate a new culture of marriage and childbearing." This upset Clinton, who wants women to supplant men and basically take on traditional male roles in society.

"Imagine being so high on your own neoliberal identity politics supply that, at a conference ostensibly designed to fend off a literal extinction event, you instead pivot to gender equity talking points," wrote Ben Bartee about Clinton's far-left theatrics at COP28.

"At any rate, transhumanist technocrats should love Climate Change™, in such a case that it targets pregnant women, because they hate legacy front hole women getting pregnant anyway. Human reproduction the old-fashioned way – as in, not in a lab – viscerally repulses them."

Bartee is referring, of course, to a new pro-transgender scheme that involves installing female wombs into the bodies of "trans women," also known as males with gender dysphoria and mental illness.

"As the person would have been born as a man, the risky and highly expensive procedure will help biological men become pregnant," one report explains about the new procedure, which was reportedly developed by an Indian surgeon.

"In the procedure, the reproductive organs of a dead donor or a woman going in for sex change will be used. It would entail the use of IVF and a C-section as no fully functional vagina is present in the case."

The Indian doctor who came up with the idea says a uterine transplant should be looked at "the same as a kidney or any other transplant."

"This is the future," he added. "We cannot predict exactly when this will happen, but it will happen very soon."

The latest news about far-left climate hysteria can be found at Climate.news.

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