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Climate cult calls for universal acceptance of a green dictatorship
By Ethan Huff // Dec 19, 2023

How would you feel if the United Nations (UN) suddenly started dictating America's climate policy with no more legislative or constitutional restraints? If the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) gets its way, this is exactly what will happen.

Five lead authors put together some reports for the IPCC that call for major structural changes in terms of the UN agency's ability to craft and dictate climate policy for basically the entire world.

These reports petition for the IPCC to be allowed to make policy prescriptions and, potentially, to oversee their implementation in the 195 nation-states that have signed on to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

The call for an overhaul emerged in conjunction with the COP28 climate event in Dubai. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) wants to strike lucrative oil and gas deals in spite of globalist calls for de-carbonization.

"At some point, we need to say that if you want to achieve this aim set by policymakers then certain policies need to be implemented," commented Sonia Seneviratne, an IPCC vice chair and coordinating lead author since 2012.

"As climate change becomes worse and worse, it is becoming more difficult to be policy relevant without being prescriptive," Seneviratne added, further noting that the "discrepancy" between IPCC science and action makes it "very difficult for us to understand as scientists because it doesn't seem to make any sense."

(Related: Climate cultists want every person's carbon dioxide [CO2] "emissions" to be regulated like a "pollutant.")

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Climate change: the tyranny gift that keeps on giving

According to Gert-Jan Nabuurs, a coordinating lead author on three IPCC reports covering the subject, the UN agency does not currently have enough power or even relevance in the current framework.

"The IPCC's critical, independent and guiding roles seem to be less and less evidence," he commented. "As they decline, countries seem to be exerting a larger and larger influence."

The problem, Nabuurs says, is that "we can't be policy prescriptive, so we can't make hard statements on what should be done."

Nabuurs feels so strongly about all this that he wonders the purpose behind the IPCC continuing to produce these types of reports at all since the UN agency does not currently have any executive decision-making power to do any of the things it is recommending.

"We already know that in five to six years' time, the message is not going to be very different, the problem will still be there, emissions will still be going up, there will be more evidence of impacts and less time to try to stay under 2C [of heating above pre-industrial levels]."

The claim among climate cultists is that by the year 2030, so-called "greenhouse gas" emissions will rise by nine percent. In order to meet the Paris climate agreement goal of capping global heating at 1.5C, emissions would need to fall by 43 percent.

If the climate cult ultimately gets its way, and the IPCC gets the power it is demanding, expect the UN to completely overhaul your way of life with massive behavioral and dietary restrictions that will make life not even worth living.

"These folks should be in a padded cell while we investigate their intelligence and mental health," one commenter wrote about IPCC derangement concerning climate issues.

"Megalomania and delusions," responded another. "There, instant diagnosis."

"Narcissistic and very egocentric fools that have failed to advance legitimate science during their careers!" commented another.

"Anthony Fauci essentially had that power in the U.S. for at least a year," said another. "How did that turn out? Yes, these folks should be kept as far from the seats of power as possible."

The latest news about the climate cult can be found at GreenTyranny.news.

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