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Biden SecDef threatens to send relatives of congressmen to war if they vote against Ukraine funding
By News Editors // Dec 11, 2023

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin is threatening Members of Congress, explaining during a classified brief on Capitol Hill yesterday that unless they reupped more taxpayer-funded Ukraine aid, “…we’ll send your uncles, cousins and sons to fight”.

(Article by William Upton republished from TheNationalPulse.com)

“The Biden administration is openly threatening Americans over Ukraine,” wrote Tucker Carlson on X (formerly Twitter), explaining: “In a classified briefing in the House yesterday, defense secretary Lloyd Austin informed members that if they don’t appropriate more money for Zelensky, ‘we’ll send your uncles, cousins and sons to fight Russia.’ Pay the oligarchs or we’ll kill your kids.”

While Defense Sec. Austin was threatening lawmakers, White House National National Security Council spokesman John Kirby also claimed that if Ukraine loses, it will end up costing American blood in a hot war with Russia.

Last month, Tucker Carlson had pointed criticism of newly-elected House House Speaker Mike Johnson over Ukraine, stating: “He’s a nice guy and I’m not against him… [but] if you think the welfare of another country is the most important thing for you as one of the leaders of our country – third in line to the presidency – you have lost the thread son.

Read more at: TheNationalPulse.com

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