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Mike Adams announces breakthrough AI project that will bypass Big Tech censorship for health, nutrition and natural medicine
By Belle Carter // Dec 11, 2023

In 120 days, or not later than the end of March 2024, an open-source, freely downloadable and locally run large language model (LLM) system that will use artificial intelligence tools will be launched. Said repository of natural health, nutrition, herbs, alternative medicine and modalities, disease prevention as well as mind, body and energy medicine information will be easily accessed in a user-friendly interface, without the need to go online. Thus, content is less likely manipulated, controlled and censored by Big Tech, Big Government and Big Pharma.

Brighteon and Natural News founder Mike Adams announced this game-changer news in a recent episode of the "Health Ranger Report." "We have begun a project to build an AI chatbot, similar to chat GPT that is based on open-source systems that have matured substantially over the last two years," he said. The data will be compiled from millions of documents that his team has acquired over the years, written by over 1000 authors. "And you will be able to get answers to questions right there as if you were talking to the expert authors of this content," he told his podcast listeners.

He went on to point out that what he is building is far different from Google and other search engines, which are for the eradication of human knowledge. "A search engine doesn't really answer that question. It only gives you a list of pages where you might go and perhaps you'll find the answers there. But as you know, Google, Bing and even the other search engines wiped out the truth about health, nutrition and alternative medicine as they basically just push Big Pharma now," he noted. The award-winning independent journalist also stated that search engines are designed to destroy knowledge and not to index it and make it available. "Google is controlled by the deep state, just as Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a tool of the CIA to control the public narratives about everything that matters and about all the people that matter," he added highlighting that sites like these cannot be relied on to give access to information that can protect and enhance the quality of life.

Human knowledge is under attack! Governments and powerful corporations are using censorship to wipe out humanity's knowledge base about nutrition, herbs, self-reliance, natural immunity, food production, preparedness and much more. We are preserving human knowledge using AI technology while building the infrastructure of human freedom. Speak freely without censorship at the new decentralized, blockchain-power Brighteon.io. Explore our free, downloadable generative AI tools at Brighteon.AI. Support our efforts to build the infrastructure of human freedom by shopping at HealthRangerStore.com, featuring lab-tested, certified organic, non-GMO foods and nutritional solutions.

Another platform that Adams has built was Decentralize.TV, wherein he hosts a show that talks about decentralization as the answer to setting humanity free and democratizing knowledge and information, money and finance, power speech and even health. "Centralization has put too much power in the hands of too few people and it has given Google search engine 98 percent dominance or something close to that," he noted. (Related: Google unveils new "fact-checking tools" meant to censor and keep independent media out of search results.)

Also, he raised how his new offline platform is going to bypass censorship and other entities that could be violating one's privacy. "Censorship is not the way forward. If you want to have prosperity, ingenuity, innovation, creativity, ideas, debates and democracy, it has to be based on the freedom to speak. And the ability to speak has to be powered by the ability to access knowledge," Adams added. "The push for censorship right now is very loud and strong all over the world. You have to censor anybody who says anything critical about vaccines and you have to censor anybody calling to stop the bombing in Gaza. It's just crazy. That just makes us less free," he further emphasized.

Tech should adjust to users' way of researching, Adams says

Fifteen years ago, Adams created the website NutrientReference.com, because it has been his long-term dream to build a system that would provide all the information everyone needs to live a healthy life.

"I built this system back in 2007 or 2008, as what would now be described as a kind of a large language model. Basically, it was a language processing system that I personally wrote the code for," he recalled, adding that the system was actually written inside Microsoft Visual Basic inside an enterprise SQL system, where he analyzed the text of over 1000 books that his team scanned. They used the text to begin parsing the language of different things out of the text.

"For example, I generated a list of what are all the known nutrients. And then there's another list of what are all the known diseases and symptoms and another list of what are all the known organs or organ systems. And then I defined those and wrote this very complex system to go in and statistically, begin to link nutrients with diseases and so on," he explained. He ended up publishing a system that analyzes all PubMed papers. However, the site did not gain much attention as people didn't really find much value in it. According to him, it doesn't work in the way that people like to ask questions.

"People don't actually like to drill down through hierarchical datasets in order to find answers. Most people just want to ask questions in a common language,” he said. In the years since then, he has seen a revolution in AI systems, and more recently, ChatGPT.

And so he tapped the said "future technology," only he's going to make it based on open sources. "The bottom line is I want you to have all this knowledge at your fingertips. And you will, you will be able to install this and download it and run it on your own local computer," the Health Ranger concluded.

Watch the full episode of the "Health Ranger Report" below, where  Mike Adams announced the soon-to-be-launched free AI open-source health data repository.

This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on Brighteon.com.

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