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Thrive Time Show: Seth Keshel says CORRUPTION of U.S. election system has been ongoing since the 1990s – Brighteon.TV
By Kevin Hughes // Nov 14, 2023

Election analyst Seth Keshel says the corruption of America's election system has been ongoing since the 1990s.

"The corruption in our country has been around for a century plus, but the corruption of our election system has been around since at least the '90s," he told ReAwaken America Tour founder and program host Clay Clark during the Nov. 7 episode of "Thrive Time Show" on Brighteon.TV.

According to Keshel, the corruption did not seep into the local level before 2017. That year, people started relaxing election regulations and laws – such as by allowing automatic voter registration, motor voter laws that bundled voting registration with driver's licenses and mail-in voting that started in the state of Oregon.

He added that since the 2020 election that put President Joe Biden in power, the number of voting Americans likely to believe that year's election was marred by fraud has risen from about 44 percent to 62 percent. This Rasmussen poll, Keshel said, means five out of eight likely American voters believe the elections are completely in the tank. (Related: Lawfare with Tom Renz: Seth Keshel says America is in unparalleled crisis due to lack of election integrity – Brighteon.TV.)

Moreover, an incident in Connecticut where a Democratic judge overturned the results of their party's primary election only increases the percentage of Americans who believe election results aren't trustworthy anymore.

"It's been a gradual unwinding and a loosening of our election integrity laws," said Keshel, a former Army captain and Afghanistan veteran. "If a short-term fix is what people are after, they're going to be deeply disappointed. So [the] long-term outlook is where we have to go."

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Democrats want to take key seats in the government

Keshel told Clark that the Democrats are engaging in election fraud to ensure their establishment colleagues take key seats in the government. According to Keshel, polling suggests that more mail-in ballots are needed to ensure victory for the Democrats in the upcoming 2024 elections.

Returning to the gradual erosion of America's elections in the 1990s, Keshel pointed to former President Bill Clinton packing the courts with Democratic judges during his term. The former Army captain also noted how cities in America started to become heavily corrupted in the 1990s.

Moreover, he noted that cases of election fraud aren't moving in the courts due to the judicial corruption going on. The benches are either too corrupt or too cowardly to overturn fraudulent elections, such as the Arizona gubernatorial race or the 2020 presidential race. Addressing this issue isn't a walk in the park, Keshel said.

"We are not going to be able to continuously sustain 62 [percent] plus, or two out of three Americans, not believing that our elections are legitimate. We are a constitutional republic based on (the) consent of the governed. So, it's a matter of time," Keshel ultimately remarked.

"People are going to have to plan for all scenarios in 2024, including winning a corrupt election which is that what it's going to be. We just don't know exactly what the flavor of that will be, and what the excuse will be to make it as terrible as possible."

Watch the Nov. 7 episode of the "Thrive Time Show" below. "Thrive Time Show" airs Monday to Friday at 1-1:30 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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