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House passes resolution aiming to block Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons
By Belle Carter // Nov 09, 2023

The House of Representatives on November 1 passed a resolution that suggested the United States would use force against Iran, by "all means necessary," just to prevent the country from acquiring nuclear weapons because the Middle Eastern country "could be a threat to worldwide security."

"Whereas an Islamic Republic of Iran that possesses a nuclear weapon would be an unacceptable threat to regional and global security," the resolution sponsored by Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Tx) read. Resolution 559 passed with broad bipartisan support in a vote of 354-53, with 50 Democrats and three Republicans voting against the measure.

"Iran is the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism. … I introduced this resolution with a bipartisan group of cosponsors to make a clear, simple and vital statement, that it is the official policy of the United States that a nuclear Iran is unacceptable," said McCaul.

Meanwhile, an intelligence report affirmed that Iran is not pursuing nuclear weapons, but reality does not stop Iran hawks in the U.S. and Israel from constantly hyping up the threat of a non-existent Iranian nuclear weapons program. The same officials do not officially recognize that Israel possesses a nuclear arsenal.

"Yesterday, Congress passed a resolution (354 to 53) that claims Iran possesses all it needs for a nuclear weapon," Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky) wrote on X. "The same resolution says the US should 'use all means necessary to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.' Seems like a call for war on Iran. I voted No." (Related: Iran Nuclear Deal's UN Security Council Res. 2231 banning missile transfers to Iran EXPIRES – Iran now free to send and receive missiles, drones and hypersonic weapons.)

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Another opposed, Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) said the resolution could lead to the U.S. invading Iran to stop its nuclear weapons program, and "the language we are voting on today goes too far" in that direction.

Iran’s uranium stockpiles could make a nuclear bomb

The resolution also pointed to Iran’s uranium enrichment at 60 percent and its stockpiles of enriched uranium as evidence it could make a bomb. But to make a nuclear weapon, uranium needs to be enriched at 90 percent, and there is no sign Tehran is considering taking that step.

"Whereas Iran continues to enrich and stockpile uranium far more than the limits set under United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231 (2015); Whereas the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed in May 2023 that Iran continues to enrich uranium to 60 percent purity," the bill included.

It also said that at a press conference in January this year, IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi said "One thing is true: They have amassed enough nuclear material for several nuclear weapons," referring to Iran. Also, in March 2023, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley testified that "Iran could produce fissile material for a nuclear weapon in less than two weeks and would only take several more months to produce an actual nuclear weapon."

The resolution also stated that it is sure that Iran is now in possession of irreversible and dangerous nuclear knowledge and the nation's ongoing nuclear escalation poses a serious threat to the United States and its partners and allies including Israel.

Meanwhile, during the same week, the House also approved the Hamas and Other Palestinian Terrorist Groups International Financing Prevention Act (H.R. 340), which was sponsored by Rep. Brian J. Mast (R-Fl). The bill will impose sanctions on people affiliated with Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and similar groups found to be taking terrorist actions against Israel. As per Mast, sanctions were needed to "cut off the material support, whether that is money or equipment or something that we might label here in Washington as a dual-use item, from making it to the Gaza Strip or the West Bank or into the hands of Hezbollah or somewhere else."

Head to Nuclear.news to read more stories related to nuclear war and weapons.

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