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Speaker Mike Johnson to push ahead with House’s impeachment proceedings against Biden
By Arsenio Toledo // Nov 01, 2023

Newly inaugurated Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has decided to proceed with the House's impeachment proceedings against President Joe Biden, commenting that it is "very likely" he has committed impeachable offenses.

In September, then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy launched the House's formal impeachment inquiry into the president, focusing on whether or not Biden was ever influenced by the business dealings of his family, particularly of his son Hunter Biden. This inquiry could lead to a full-blown impeachment trial, with McCarthy at the time accusing the president of "abuse of power, obstruction and corruption," all of which warrants further investigation.

Johnson, who was just a representative from Louisiana in September, was one of the most outspoken in impeaching Biden. (Related: Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana secures the House speaker's gavel, capping weeks of GOP chaos.)

"I just listed a small sampling, just the tip of the iceberg, of the credible allegations and the mounting evidence that shows that Joseph Biden has engaged in bribery schemes, pay-to-play schemes," said Johnson on the floor of the House at the time. "This is what the evidence shows."

As speaker, Johnson has placed his full support for Rep. Jim Jordan, who tried and failed to run for House Speaker, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and is one of the individuals leading the impeachment inquiry.

"I think our chairmen have done an exceptional job … they continued those investigations even while we were going through the tumult of the speaker's race," said Johnson. "I'm encouraging them. I think we have the Constitutional responsibility to follow this truth where it leads."

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Johnson to keep investigating Biden to find impeachable offenses

In one of his first media appearances after being elected Speaker of the House, Johnson said it is "very likely" that Biden has committed impeachable offenses and has vowed to use his newfound power to keep conducting investigations to reveal the truth about whether Biden committed impeachable offenses.

The current impeachment inquiry will focus on probing whether Biden benefited financially from connections made by his family while he was vice president.

"The reason we shifted to the impeachment inquiry stage on the president himself was because if, in fact, all the evidence leads where we believe it will, that's very likely impeachment," said Johnson. He noted that bribery is specifically listed as a cause of impeachment in the Constitution, and what Biden allegedly did during his vice presidency "looks and smells a lot like that."

"We're going to follow the truth wherever it leads," vowed Johnson. "We're going to engage in due process because, again, we're the rule-of-law party."

"I know people are getting anxious and they're getting restless, and they just want somebody to be impeached, but we don't do that like the other team," he added, referring to how House Democrats twice tried to impeach former President Donald Trump. "We have to base [Biden's impeachment] on the evidence."

Watch this episode of "Front Page" as host Scott Goulet discusses Rep. Mike Johnson's rise and his plans for impeaching Biden.

This video is from the Pool Pharmacy channel on Brighteon.com.

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