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Sen. Marshall introduces bill REQUIRING the White House to report to Congress how many TERRORISTS are encountered at the border
By Arsenio Toledo // Oct 29, 2023

Republican Sen. Roger Marshall of Kansas has introduced legislation in the Senate that would require the federal government to submit monthly reports to Congress about encounters at the southern border with illegal immigrants on the terror watch list.

Filed with co-sponsor Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana, the bill known as the "Where Are The Terrorists Now Act" induces the federal government to provide Congress with all the information it requires regarding encounters with migrants on the watch list in the 12 months ending on Sept. 30. These reports should be provided monthly.

The bill requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Justice and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to provide Congress with monthly reports on the number of individuals on the Federal Bureau of Investigation's "Terrorist Screening Data Set," or the terrorist watch list, that border officials encounter.

The federal government will also have to provide Congress with information on the names of the individuals, their prior criminal convictions, why each individual is on the watch list and their current and prior ties to recognized terrorist organizations. Marshall and Kennedy also want the federal government to provide Congress with information on how the suspected terrorists traveled to the border and where along the border they were spotted.

Finally, Congress would also be provided information on where the individuals were detained, whether they are still detained, have been deported, transferred to another agency, or their whereabouts if they have been released. If the individuals were released, Congress would require an additional report from the DHS on how they determined the suspected terrorists do not present a danger to the United States.

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173 terrorists tried to enter the U.S. this year

Marshall pointed out the increasing number of illegal immigrants on terror watch lists are making their way to the United States. "We've had 173 terrorists on the watch list encountered at the border over the past year," said Marshall during an interview on "Jay Sekulow Live."

"We have no idea where they are, who they are, and where they were caught and released. What our bill does is it requires [DHS] Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to communicate with Congress on a monthly basis," he continued. "Give us an update on who these people are and where they are. Are they working for universities doing research? Are they working for our military? What are these people doing?" (Related: Over 70,000 "special interest aliens" from countries that promote or protect TERRORISM have entered the U.S. since 2021.)

"One of my biggest concerns is when our adversaries are paying more attention to our southern border than President Joe Biden," said Marshall in a different interview. "As far as I'm concerned, our open southern borders are the number one most pressing national security issue we face."

Learn more about the developing illegal immigrant crisis in the United States at InvasionUSA.news.

Watch this clip from "Jay Sekulow Live" discussing Sen. Roger Marshall's "Where Are The Terrorists Now Act."

This video is from the Galactic Storm channel on Brighteon.com.

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