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Kevin McCarthy: U.S. could be the next target of terror attacks as terrorists come flooding through unprotected southern border
By Arsenio Toledo // Oct 12, 2023

Ousted House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has warned that the Hamas-led strikes against Israel should serve as a "wake up call" for Americans. He said similar terror attacks could hit the United States as terrorists come flooding in through the southern border.

In an interview with the Washington Free Beacon, McCarthy warned that Americans could see "the same thing happen next week to us."

"We caught more people on the terrorist watch list in February than we caught in the entire administration," he added. "We could have cells sitting inside of America right now." (Related: Every state is now a border state: Alabama deploys 275 National Guardsmen to southern border to deter illegals.)

McCarthy and other analysts have likened the attacks on Israel to 9/11, echoing a time when U.S. intelligence services failed to detect the Al Qaeda-led operation that killed thousands of Americans.

"We should take a step back and look at ourselves. Your intel is never perfect and we've got a wide-open border. They're coming from 160 different countries, including those known to harbor terrorist and other militant groups," said McCarthy. "How did we not know that is happening [in Gaza]? Everybody should look at their own intelligence right now."

Biden, staff were barbecuing while Israel was getting attacked

While Israel was getting attacked by Hamas on the evening of Sunday, Oct. 8, President Joe Biden and many of his administration were having their staff barbecue at the White House.

"To the president, turn off the barbecue and speak to the American people to be the leader the world is looking for," said McCarthy, who also accused the Biden administration of not doing enough to provide support for Israel.

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McCarthy has called for a "five-point plan" for the federal government to support Israel, with the priority being locating, identifying and potentially rescuing American hostages held by Palestinian groups.

"This administration must also make clear that harming any American will result in the wrath of the United States," said McCarthy. "We cannot repeat what happened in Afghanistan. It must be clear that we do not negotiate with terrorists and no American will be left behind."

Republican foreign policy leaders are also asking the Biden administration to end its foreign aid for the Palestinian territories, pointing to a State Department communique assessing a "high risk" that Hamas could be deriving "indirect, unintentional benefit from U.S. assistance to Gaza."

In response to McCarthy, the White House claimed that Biden has consistently supported Israel and the defense of its territory against terrorists. The administration further claimed that Biden had already spoken with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and ordered the U.S. Armed Forces to provide additional aid to the Israel Defense Forces.

The White House added that the administration held "a long-scheduled event to thank the hardworking non-political staff who keep the White House running – operating the kitchens, cleaning the White House and helping keep the complex safe."

"This date was chosen because there were no White House activities that would require their work and they could bring their families," the White House added. "They deserve that recognition, and no small, petty comments from partisan media or elected officials change that."

Watch this clip of a press briefing McCarthy held wherein he tore into the Biden administration's "overwhelming intelligence failure" in not preventing the violence against Israel.

This video is from the NewsClips channel on Brighteon.com.

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