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Dr. Lee Merritt compares FEMA emergency broadcast alert test to COVID injections: We don’t know what’s in it – Brighteon.TV
By Kevin Hughes // Oct 12, 2023

The Medical Rebel Dr. Lee Merritt and James Grundvig discussed the emergency broadcast alert test by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) during the Oct. 4 episode of the Brighteon.TV program "Merritt Medical Hour."

Merritt said the American people survived the emergency broadcast signal put out by FEMA last Oct. 4. Had it not pushed on that day, the signal would be activated a week later on Oct. 11. The Brighteon.TV host compared it to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) injections. (Related: FEMA and FCC to conduct nationwide emergency alert test to ensure viability of alert systems during upcoming “emergencies” engineered by the government itself)

"We don't know what it is. To be honest, this is like the [COVID] vaccine – we don't know what's in it," she told Grundvig. "We're suspicious, just like we're suspicious of Pfizer. Now, we're suspicious of FEMA."

The former Navy physician and surgeon recounted how she and her husband stashed all of their gadgets in Mylar bags and turned everything off in their home. While they didn't hear anything at 2:22 p.m. Eastern time (ET) or 2:32 p.m. ET, something went off in one of the Mylar bags between 2:42 p.m. and 2:44 p.m. ET of that day. She later discovered that one of the Mylar bags was defective after her husband's Apple watch still received the signal.

Meanwhile, Grundvig shared how he unplugged all his computers and router, and turned off both the local area network and house alarm. He then stored all his devices inside a microwave oven, which he described as a perfect example of a Faraday cage. Grundvig, who hosts "Unrestricted Truths" on American Media Periscope, then went outside with his son who had an old iPhone.

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After turning on the iPhone, he heard time three bursts which came within a five second interval each on 2:22 p.m. ET. Grundvig then remarked that Americans still need to watch what is going to happen after the emergency alert system was sent.

"If nothing happens, then OK, it's just a test," Grundvig said. "But we don't know that yet."

FEMA emergency broadcast alert test both a trial run and a threat assessment

According to Merritt, the FEMA emergency broadcast alert test could have been a trial run, as the three blasts announced by the agency indeed happened. She also considers it a threat assessment against a credible event that could possibly happen.

"For me, the risk of not taking … [this alert] seriously is probably more than just not listening to this," the "Merritt Medical Hour" host remarked. "You know, I'm trying to think of a downside of turning everything off. Now I did learn from this experience, you got to check your bags."

Grundvig also shared that Russia also launched a similar emergency alert test on the same day as FEMA's signal. The emergency alert was heard throughout Russia, across 11 time zones. In response to this, Merritt recounted the sudden emergency tests of the broadcast system during the Cuban Missile Crisis of the 1960s – involving one single blast.

The "Unrestricted Truth" host ultimately told the Medical Rebel that Americans need to be vigilant, as it is all they can do for now.

Visit Preparedness.news for more stories about emergency alerts like the one FEMA activated.

Watch the Oct. 4 episode of the "Merritt Medical Hour" below. The "Merritt Medical Hour" airs every Wednesday at 7-8 p.m. and Saturday at 2-3 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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