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The 5 stages of America
By News Editors // Oct 03, 2023

“America is a corpse being devoured by maggots. The Democrats root for the maggots, the Republicans root for the corpse.”

(Article by Raúl Ilargi Meijer republished from TheAutomaticEarth.com)

Our beloved American Empire was both our doting parent and our bright eyed child but it died. It fed us, clothed us, entertained us, kept us safe and was our hope for the future, but it’s gone. We are now moving through the stages of grief associated with great loss.

Denial: It’s not true. We are still the greatest country that has ever been. We still have the strongest military and the smartest scientists, the greatest cities and most beautiful landscapes. We are the beacon of hope and everyone wants to come here. We are the shining city on the hill. We are the paragon of democracy. We are the indispensable nation.

Anger: It’s those damn Democrats. Their policies have ruined everything. In fact it’s the Republicans too. It’s the Uniparty. It’s the elites and the billionaires. It’s the Bidens and the Clintons and the Gates and the Zuckerbergs. It’s the Fed and the FBI and the MIC and the CDC. It’s the shoplifters and the homeless and the immigrants streaming over the border. It’s the Chinese and the Russians and the Ukrainians and the Canadians. A pox on all their houses.

Bargaining: We can fix this. We just need to drain the swamp, close the border and back our currency with gold. We need to fund the police and repair our infrastructure. We need to bring back manufacturing and support school choice. We can Make America Great Again. Trump 2024.

Depression: None of it is working. Gas is $5 a gallon and going up. Rents are skyrocketing. Groceries cost an arm and a leg. I’m afraid I’ll lose my job. I can’t get healthcare. I can never retire. My family is breaking up. My kids are all liberals and believe in BLM and socialism and drag queen story hour. The country is deeply divided and feels like it is on the brink of civil war. Maybe I should move to Thailand.

Acceptance: We are going to survive even if things will never be like they used to be. We can no longer consume more than we produce. We have hard work and hard times ahead of us. We can join with our family and neighbors in creating a better society with less materialism and more personal interaction. Time to join a church, get some chickens, plant a garden and learn to repair small engines.

Read more at: TheAutomaticEarth.com

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