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El Paso at its “breaking point” as 2,000 illegals enter the city each day
By Arsenio Toledo // Sep 28, 2023

The massive surge in illegal immigrants crossing the American border from Mexico has pushed the Texas border city of El Paso to a "breaking point."

El Paso currently sees more than 2,000 illegals pass through the city per day seeking asylum, causing shelters to exceed capacity and straining the city's limited resources. (Related: Illegal immigrants in El Paso bringing DISEASES like scabies, measles, bed bugs and COVID-19 with them.)

"The city of El Paso only has so many resources and we have come to … a breaking point right now," said city Mayor Oscar Leeser, a Democrat, at a news conference on Sunday, Sept. 24.

As recently as early August, only about 350 to 400 people were crossing into El Paso every day. Just the day before Leeser's press conference, nearly 9,000 people made the crossing and entered the country, marking one of the highest rates of arrivals in recent months.

Leeser has announced the opening of a new shelter to accommodate the flood of illegals into El Paso. The city's shelters are only capable of housing around 400 people, and these places need to be available first to help the city's homeless population.

Over the past 10 days before his press conference, Leeser said the city has been working hand in hand with the U.S. Border Patrol to provide shelter for 6,500 illegal immigrants.

Leeser has criticized the administration of President Joe Biden for not doing enough to fix the broken immigration system in the United States.

"I think it's really important to note that we have a broken immigration system," said Leeser. "It's the same thing over and over again."

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Illegals from Venezuela, Honduras and Haiti flooding the southern border

The problems besetting El Paso are part of a massive swell of mostly Venezuelan, Haitian and Honduran illegal immigrants from South and Central America traveling through dangerous routes just to get to Mexican border towns near well-known crossing points like San Diego in California and El Paso and Eagle Pass in Texas. Leeser said in his press conference that the illegals were taking dangerous bus and cargo train routes just to get to the U.S.-Mexico border.

Leeser noted that many of the illegal immigrants did not want to stay in El Paso. However, many of them did not have adequate means of getting transported to their desired destinations. He has been chartering buses to send these so-called asylum seekers to other cities around the country. On Sunday, he chartered five buses to take illegal immigrants to Chicago, Denver and New York City.

Leeser further noted that about two-thirds of the illegals who have crossed into El Paso currently are single men, and only about 32 percent are families. Just two percent are unaccompanied children.

Tensions rising between states and White House

Tensions have continued to grow between state and local authorities and the White House over the federal government's supposed inaction over the border crisis. For its part, the Biden administration has only sent an additional 800 troops to the border, adding to the 2,500 National Guard members already stationed there.

The White House has also been attempting to implement a variety of other programs to stem the flow of illegals with varying levels of success. The administration's Department of Homeland Security attempted to stem the flow of migrants by creating special programs to process asylum and visa requests in the home countries of the so-called asylum seekers, pledging harsher consequences for those illegals who do not follow the rules, including deportations and expulsions.

But whether or not these policies are effective is moot, as the Biden administration on the other hand also extended the temporary legal status of an estimated 472,000 Venezuelans who had arrived in the U.S. as of July 31. The "Temporary Protected Status" designation makes these illegals eligible for employment and travel authorization and are protected from deportation for 18 months from issuance – a period that the federal government has the option to renew indefinitely.

The nearly half a million Venezuelans given Temporary Protected Status join the more than 610,000 migrants who are currently safe from deportation due to this designation. These include an additional 202,000 Venezuelans, 188,000 Salvadorans, 117,000 Haitians, 57,000 Hondurans, 22,500 Ukrainians and 8,500 Nepalese. An additional nearly 16,000 people also hold this designation from nearly a dozen other countries including Syria, Nicaragua, Myanmar and Afghanistan.

Learn more about the migrant crisis at OpenBorders.news.

Watch this clip from News Nation showing how the surge in illegals crossing into El Paso is preventing cargo from being processed at the El Paso Bridge.

This video is from the channel InfoWarSSideBand on Brighteon.com.

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