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YouTube CENSORS another RFK Jr. video “on its own initiative” – most likely to please the establishment
By Ramon Tomey // Jun 30, 2023

YouTube has censored another video of Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) – a move he believes the site did "on its own initiative."

According to Breitbart, the candidate himself confirmed the censorship in a tweet. The removed video centered on his appearance on the "Beyond the Sphere" podcast with Al Guart, formerly a political reporter with the New York Post. Despite this censorship, Guart's interview with RFK Jr. – also the inaugural episode of the podcast – remains available on Spotify.

"In the case of my interview with Guart, YouTube probably acted on its own initiative," Kennedy tweeted. "It has internalized the political wishes of the establishment to the point where it knows what to censor without being told."

"People made a big deal about Russia supposedly manipulating internet information to influence a presidential election. Shouldn't we be worried when giant tech corporations do the same?"

According to the environmental lawyer and nephew of former President John F. Kennedy, "When industry and government are so closely linked, there is little difference between 'private' and 'government' censorship. Suppression of free speech is not suddenly OK when it is contracted out to the private corporations that control the public square."

RFK Jr. also referenced the Twitter Files released by Matt Taibbi and other independent journalists at the behest of the platform's new owner Elon Musk. The documents proved that "numerous government agencies – acting through the [Federal Bureau of Investigation] – told Twitter whom to censor" and that the social media site complied with the censorship requests. Other platforms such as Doubtless, Facebook and YouTube received similar requests.

This wasn't the first instance of YouTube censoring RFK Jr.'s videos. Earlier, it took down a video of his interview with clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson. Alphabet, YouTube's parent company, said in a statement that the clip was removed due to violating the platform's "vaccine misinformation" policy. (Related: ELECTION INTERFERENCE: YouTube removes Jordan Peterson interview with presidential candidate RFK Jr. over vaccine comments.)

RFK Jr. previously BANNED on Instagram

YouTube was not the only Big Tech platform that banned the Democratic presidential candidate. Instagram, which is owned by Mark Zuckerberg's Meta Platforms, prevented his campaign from creating accounts – immediately slapping them with a six-month suspension as soon as they are created.

RFK Jr. tweeted in condemnation of the immediate ban, tagging Instagram's official Twitter account. He asked: "When we use our Team Kennedy email address to set up Instagram accounts, we get an automatic 180-day ban. Can anyone guess why that's happening? To silence a major political candidate is profoundly undemocratic. Social media is the modern equivalent of the town square. How can democracy function if only some candidates have access to it?"

He also lamented how Instagram has failed to reinstate his account, "which was banned years ago with more than 900,000 followers." But soon after RFK Jr. aired his grievances, the platform lifted the suspension of his account.

Meta spokesman Andy Stone confirmed the reinstatement of the presidential candidate's account in a June 4 statement. He wrote: "As he is now an active candidate for president of the U.S., we have restored access to RFK Jr.'s Instagram account."

In April, the Democratic presidential candidate appeared on an episode of "Breitbart News Sunday" for an exclusive interview. He told Joel Pollak, Breitbart's senior editor at large: "We're now in this situation where without free speech, democracy just withers and dies. Free speech is the fertilizer; it's the sunlight; it's the water for democracy."

"There is no time in history where the people who were censoring speech were the good guys. They're always the bad guys because, of course, that is the first and last step of totalitarianism – silencing critics."

Watch this Epoch TV report about RFK Jr. being censored on Instagram.

This video is from the GalacticStorm channel on Brighteon.com.

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Instagram lifts ban on RFK Jr.'s account "because he is an active candidate for president" – what if he's just an ordinary citizen?

Sources include:

Breitbart.com 1



Breitbart.com 2


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