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Former Russian President Medvedev: Russia will hit Ukraine with preemptive NUCLEAR STRIKE if West tries to send nukes
By Arsenio Toledo // May 30, 2023

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has warned that his country would preemptively fire nuclear missiles at Ukraine if the West ever tried to arm it with nukes.

Medvedev, who currently serves as the deputy head of the Russian Security Council, gave this warning to the United States and its allies in the Western world while speaking at a press conference in Vientiane, Laos.

"There are some irreversible rules of war. If it comes to [the deliveries of] nuclear weapons [to Ukraine], a pre-emptive strike will have to be carried out," warned Medvedev, who rebuked the West for failing to grasp that this is a real possibility that Moscow would be willing to follow through on. (Related: Ex-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev warns that the world is on the verge of a NUCLEAR WORLD WAR III.)

"It will happen, under certain circumstances," he said.

Medvedev further warned that the conflict in Ukraine, which has now been going on for 15 months, will escalate even further as soon as Kyiv receives Western-made fighter jets, such as the American F-16. Unless the West stops, these arms shipments will only progress further and further until "maybe even nuclear weapons" are brought over to Ukraine.

"It will mean that a missile with a nuclear warhead will come flying to them," said Medvedev.

Medvedev warned conflict will last for decades if US continues to intervene

Medvedev was in the middle of discussing the massive amounts of weapons, ammunition and other military equipment Ukraine has been receiving from its Western allies since the beginning of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine in February 2022. This treasure trove of military equipment includes Soviet-made MiG29 fighter jets, anti-aircraft systems, tactical unmanned aerial vehicles, rocket launcher systems, artillery pieces and millions of rounds of artillery.

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The U.S., Medvedev noted, "operates largely within the field of its pragmatic interests."

"They do not wage a war, they are making money instead," he added, accusing the U.S. of intentionally prolonging the conflict for profit while at the same time "trying to eliminate their centuries-long enemy."

"As far as Europe is concerned, it is a strange story for me," said Medvedev. "They keep heating up tensions with their decisions. Europe has gone mad."

Medvedev also suggested that continued Western intervention will only prolong the conflict, possibly for decades.

"This conflict will last for a very long time. For decades, probably," he said. "This is a new reality. Everything always ends in negotiations, and this is inevitable, but as long as these people are in power, the situation for Russia will not change in terms of negotiations."

Medvedev is referring to the fact that Moscow's current position on diplomacy with Ukraine is that it could not trust any truce with the current government in Kyiv, headed by President Volodymyr Zelensky. The Kremlin believes that Ukraine will violate any kind of ceasefire or peace it brokers with Zelensky, and so the very nature of the current government of Ukraine would have to be overthrown first.

"[Negotiations] with the clown Zelensky [are impossible]," said Medvedev, who insisted that, no matter how long it takes, Ukraine would eventually collapse.

"It will depend on which way the process of disintegration of this dying state will take as a consequence of a lost military conflict," he said. "Either it will be a way of relatively slow erosion of Ukrainian statehood with gradual loss of remaining elements of state sovereignty, or instant collapse with simultaneous annihilation of all hallmarks of statehood."

Learn more about the possibility of nuclear war caused by the conflict in Ukraine at NuclearWar.news.

Watch this episode of the "Health Ranger Report" as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, discusses, among other topics, how Russia and the U.S. are playing a dangerous game of nuclear escalation.

This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on Brighteon.com.

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