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Strange hypnosis: Is Biden inciting crazed MK-Ultra transgender radicals to kill MAGA Republicans?
By News Editors // May 03, 2023

Joe Biden is a lot of things, but a “unifier” isn’t one of them, and to make matters worse, the recent shift in Biden’s behavior has been drastic. From a harmless old man shouting at clouds, he’s now transformed into a pudding-eating, seek-and-destroy human missile. This alarming transformation has left many concerned that someone may end up seriously hurt or killed as a result of his neurologically-compromised behavior.

(Article republished from Revolver.news)

The title of our piece is tongue-in-cheek but the topic is deadly serious. Intentionally or not, Joe Biden’s rhetoric is radicalizing an angry mob of mentally unstable radicals into his own personal army of loony assassins trained to kill MAGA Republicans. In recent months, the country has been overrun with violent, hulking transgenders — juiced up on hormones and hate — who are lashing out in deadly ways.

Joe Biden and the mainstream media have recently formed a chorus of shrill, shrieking voices against “MAGA Republicans”. Biden and his sycophants, which sadly include most of the network and cable news stations, want you to know that MAGA Republicans are out to get you, and they’re worse than Hitler and the KKK combined.

MAGA Republicans are starving seniors:

They’re throwing veterans out in the streets:

They’ve got a gun to the side of the head of “The Economy”:

They’re putting women back in chains:

They’re burning up the planet:

They’re taking your freedom:

They “represent an extremism that threatens the very foundation of our republic.”

MAGA Republicans are even killing your kids with deadly guns!

Of all the sins of the MAGA Republicans, though, perhaps the worst is their transgression against the left’s First Commandment, which is “Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Besides Transgenders”. If you thought we were joking about the religious aspect of it, watch this video as Joe Biden calls laws restricting sex changes for kids “close to sinful”:

At the statewide level, the many Republican parties have grown some cojones and banned sex change operations and other dangerous and lunatic medical interventions for children who are either groomed, brainwashed or suffering some kind of mental illness that makes them think they were born a different gender.

The left has gone completely apoplectic lately over the GOP finally putting its foot down on the transgender issue.

Revolver recently published a fascinating piece that went viral that relates to this phenomenon. It compared today’s transvestite activists to the Turkish janissaries from the Ottoman Empire.


During their glory days, janissaries were not only tough and capable, but also famously loyal. In a time where most armies still consisted of a hodge-podge of feudal levies and unreliable mercenaries, the janissaries served only the sultan. At his word, they would march, give battle, and if necessary, die. This was perfectly natural: They owned no land, and had no base of support except for the Ottoman state.  The janissaries were loyal to the sultan because they depended on him utterly.

And so it is with their successors.

The tranissaries’ loyalty to the Regime goes far beyond their general dependency for regime support and propaganda. It is a loyalty that emerges from a combination of this dependency and the fact that tranissaries so often don’t have wives, children, and families. Without family life to occupy them, and given their total conviction of vulnerability and dependency on the Regime for support, they become purely political creatures, and fanatical instruments of political activism on which their lifestyle depends.

And like the janissaries, today’s trans mob is vicious, violent, and bloodthirsty and will stop at nothing to push through its twisted agenda.

Today, if you want to find the most vicious, meanspirited, aggressive, and indefatigable advocates for the new order sweeping America and the world, look no further than the “trans community.” Trannies are the perfect specimen of bioleninism: So off-putting and ridiculous on the outside, so delusional and repugnant on the inside, that any regime that grants them legitimacy, let alone status, can be assured of their total and complete loyalty. Because if this guaranteed status were to vanish, where could they go?

In case you thought we were overstating the point, check out how bloodthirsty the transgender issue makes the Democrats’ most loyal foot soldiers:

The Democrats, led by Joe Biden, are going so far as to insinuate that MAGA Republicans want to commit a genocide against transgenders. And Democrat rank and file extremists are taking the bait.

These confused, mentally sick people are being radicalized by someone, and, along with the mainstream media, Biden’s hate rhetoric takes a lot of the blame.

Journalist Peter Suciu has written a gripping piece that hits the nail on the head regarding Joe Biden’s concerning behavior. His article, aptly titled “Something Is Majorly Wrong with Joe Biden,” delves into the disturbing state of Joe’s unsteady and potentially dangerous demeanor.


Joe Biden: No Red States, No Blue States – Really?

[B]ack in October 2020, Joe Biden also “borrowed” a line from his former boss President Barack Obama, when he stated boldly, “No red states, no blue states, just the United States.” It certainly wasn’t the only time he’d been known to take a well-crafted statement from someone’s speech, but as he has announced that he’ll seek re-election, it likely won’t be his last.

Again, it is a nice sentiment, and Biden clearly liked it as he used it repeatedly.

In his victory speech days after the election, Biden said, “I pledge to be a president who seeks not to divide but unify, who doesn’t see red states and blue states, only sees the United States.”

Moreover, in that same victory speech Joe Biden stated, “To make progress, we must stop treating our opponents as our enemy. We are not enemies. We are Americans.”

Lofty rhetoric, but later on, Joe Biden flipped the switch, just as his old boss Barack Obama did in the 2012 election campaign. Suciu continues:

MAGA Republicans Are Now the Enemy

Fast forward, and the sitting president routinely casts those he opposes as “MAGA Republicans,” blaming them for any time he doesn’t get his way.

For someone who has said we need to work together, it certainly seems not to be the case. As recently as last month, Biden has claimed MAGA Republicans are threatening to hurt the economy, TheHill.com reported.

“Extreme MAGA Republicans in Congress, on the other hand, are threatening to wreak havoc on our economy with debt limit brinkmanship,” Biden said in a statement.

It was hardly the first time he’s gone on such an offensive.

Last September, Biden gave a speech at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, which has become known as the “Continued Battle for the Soul of the Nation.”

In that address, he said, “Democracy cannot survive when one side believes there are only two outcomes to an election: either they win or they were cheated. And that’s where MAGA Republicans are today.”

Joe’s election season claim that he wants to stop treating opponents as “enemies” was always laughable on its face. Today, his administration is politically persecuting non-violent J6 prisoners, has had his state-level henchmen arrest President Trump, and convicted Douglass Mackey of “election conspiracy” for sharing a funny anti-Hillary meme.

The truth is, in Joe Biden’s America, if you don’t celebrate gay sex and praise 8-year-olds for lobbing off their private parts, you are an enemy of the state who is more dangerous than an ISIS terrorist or an ax-wielding serial killer.

Revolver’s piece on stochastic terrorism is a perfect example of what Biden is actually doing.


Basically, “stochastic terrorism” is the idea that, when somebody on the right criticizes somebody, they aren’t really just making a political argument. Instead, they are trying to “stoke hatred” in the expectation that some random third party will be “radicalized” and then commit political violence on their behalf.

In the modern sense of the phrase, “stochastic terrorism” was first coined by a left-wing blogger in 2011, who used it to describe the nefarious terrorist activities of, er, Sean Hannity:

Stochastic terrorism is the use of mass communications to incite random actors to carry out violent or terrorist acts that are statistically predictable but individually unpredictable.  In short, remote-control murder by lone wolf.

This is what occurs when Bin Laden releases a video that stirs random extremists halfway around the globe to commit a bombing or shooting.

This is also the term for what Beck, O’Reilly, Hannity, and others do.

The stochastic terrorist is the person who is responsible for the incitement.  For example they go on radio or television and stir up hatred toward a particular person or group.

The idea is that it’s not the trannies fault he/she/they shot up a school—it’s Republicans fault because they didn’t celebrate transvestites hard enough.

If we were to concede the reality of “stochastic terrorism,” which we aren’t, then the Democrats are guilty of it far worse than the right. By their own twisted definition, Joe Biden is engaging in a semi-parody of a stochastic terror-type accusation himself with his nonstop attacks on MAGA.

Just watch this weird official Joe Biden video that is almost semi-hypnotic if you don’t believe us:

Plus, who can forget the time Biden channeled his inner “red, demonic Hitler” during his speech at Independence Hall?

Tucker covered it well here:

Speaking of MK-Ultra style hypnosis, the crazed left-wing Louisville bank shooter released a manifesto that was very weird, to say the least. The Daily Mail:

Louisville bank shooter Connor Sturgeon wrote a chilling manifesto before slaughtering five senior executives at the branch where he worked, DailyMail.com can exclusively reveal.

The 13-page missive describes his goals before the horror at the downtown Old National Bank, where the 25-year-old livestreamed the massacre on Instagram as he gunned down co-workers at their morning conference.

Sturgeon made three key points in the manifesto, which is in the hands of the police: he wanted to kill himself, he wanted to prove how easy it was to buy a gun in Kentucky and he wanted to highlight a mental health crisis in America.

So this guy was so wound up about gun control that he wanted to make a point by killing people? Hmmm, where have we seen that kind of rhetoric before?


Here’s the boss man himself:

In this current time of what appears to be a mental epidemic on the left, politicians like Joe Biden should mind their words carefully. But the real question is this: does Biden even have the mental capacity to do that?

Read more at: Revolver.news

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