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Jack Posobiec’s AI precreation clip of Biden announcing a draft causes social media MELTDOWN
By News Editors // Mar 01, 2023

Human Events Daily host Jack Posobiec's AI-crafted video showing President Biden announcing that the draft would return has sparked strong reactions, as many struggle with the possible reality that could arise from the conflict overseas.

(Article by Roberto Wakerell-Cruz republished from HumanEvents.com)

The AI-made video shows Biden telling Americans that the situation in Ukraine, along with an escalating situation in China, have strained the volunteer military and now requires a draft of regular citizens, starting with those who are turning 20 in 2023. The draft would select 20-year-olds, followed by 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 19, and 18-year-olds, in that order.

"An illegal Russian offensive has been swift, callous, and brutal. It's barbaric," AI-Biden says in the video. "Putin's illegal occupation of Kyiv and the impending Chinese blockade of Taiwan has created a two-front national security crisis that requires more troops than the volunteer military can supply.

"I have received guidance from General Milly, the Chairman of the joint chiefs, that the recommended way forward will be to invoke the selective service act, as is my authority as president. The first to be called by the sequence determined by national lottery will be men and women whose 20th birthday falls in the calendar year 2023. Remember, you aren't sending your sons and daughters to war. You're sending them to freedom. God bless our troops, and God bless Ukraine," the AI Biden concludes.

Reaction to the video was a mixed bag, with some praising it for showing the stark realities that wars can bring upon, while others had meltdowns and called for Posobiec's arrest for spreading alleged misinformation, despite the segment never once claiming that the video is real.

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"Brilliant use of AI + political commentary to show Americans what's at stake and the mission creep of the Ukraine war," said user BowTiedRanger. "This is must see reporting from Jack Posobiec," said another. "People need to wake up before we end up crossing the line into WWIII."

Others were less thrilled.

"Maybe I overreacting but i think you should be jailed for this," said one user whose Twitter name included a trans flag, and whose bio describes themselves as a "bimbo."

"Is it possible that the administration would have legal grounds to sue Jack Posobiec for putting out such a disinformation video impersonating the President?" another user asked, noting that Posobiec's concerns may be justified.

"This has to be the most irresponsible and deplorable use of deep fake technology to spread propaganda. This is actually disgusting," another said.

One user, Paston Belanger, had strong words for Posobiec, tweeting "YALL SHOULD BE LOCKED UP FOR PLAYING A FREAKING VIDEO LIKE THIS!!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU EVIL PEOPLE!!!! The Lord rebuke you and I utterly condemn this video and DEMAND IT BE PULLED," he said, tagging Elon Musk as well as several Twitter service accounts.

Read more at: HumanEvents.com

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