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Leading “fact-checker” falsely claimed that Hunter Biden’s laptop story was a hoax
By JD Heyes // Mar 22, 2022

It has become patently obvious that the role of the left-wing mainstream media's "fact-checkers" isn't to actually check facts but rather to serve as another means of merely validating the lies and propaganda that the mainstream media outlets publish.


That point was driven home again last week following a report in The New York Times that offhandedly confirmed what rational Americans knew in October 2020: The New York Post's reports regarding the debauchery and criminality of Hunter Biden, based on information gleaned from a laptop he abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop in 2019, were 100 percent true, even though the pro-Democrat mainstream media refused to acknowledge as much.

In addition to the garbage media ignoring the story or echoing the deep state's claims that the contents of the laptop were part of a "Russian disinformation" campaign, the regime's 'fact-checkers' also swung into action to proclaim all of the revelations a hoax, including the co-founder of one of a fact-checking organization that claims it is the authority for deciding what information is and isn't 'real.'

As reported by Infowars' Paul Joseph  Watson:

Weeks before the 2020 presidential election, the legacy media declared the laptop scandal to be a hoax, with Politico and others citing “dozens of former intel officials” who declared it to be “Russian disinfo.”

This prompted social media giants like Twitter and Facebook to censor discussion of the story, even locking out major news outlets like the New York Post from their accounts.

But again, The Post's reporting was completely true because the information legitimately came from a laptop owned by Joe Biden's son, and -- as if it were necessary in the first place -- those reports have been confirmed by the Times, which "authenticated" emails taken from the same laptop for a story reporting that Hunter Biden remains under federal investigation for possible tax fraud and violations of laws requiring foreign lobbyists to register with the government.

The Times noted in its report:

People familiar with the investigation said prosecutors had examined emails between Mr. Biden, Mr. Archer and others about Burisma and other foreign business activity. Those emails were obtained by The New York Times from a cache of files that appears to have come from a laptop abandoned by Mr. Biden in a Delaware repair shop. The email and others in the cache were authenticated by people familiar with them and with the investigation. [Emphasis added]

Following the Times report, investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald torched the legacy media, noting in a report of his own that their attempt to cover up the scandal was "one of the most successful disinformation campaigns in modern American electoral history."

But at the time -- again, in the few weeks leading up to the 2020 election -- the cover-up was aided by several top "fact-checking" organizations including NewsGuard, whose co-founder declared the story a "hoax" initiated by Moscow.

“My personal opinion is there’s a high likelihood this story is a hoax, maybe even a hoax perpetrated by the Russians again,” said NewsGuard’s Steven Brill during an appearance on CNBC.

As Breitbart News' technology writer Allum Bokhari noted, this extremely biased and incorrect declaration is vitally important because NewsGuard holds itself out as the ultimate decider of which news sources are and are not trustworthy online.

“NewsGuard has a track record of giving negative ratings to conservative-leaning publications, while giving a positive 'green' rating to establishment media outlets with a track record of publishing hoaxes, like Rolling Stone,” Bokhari wrote.

This proves, again, that these 'fact-checker' orgs are nothing but left-wing partisan tools used to kill the spirit of a free press while censoring information that is inconvenient to Democrats.

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