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DHS is now releasing thousands of Haitians into the country after they crossed illegally from Mexico
By JD Heyes // Sep 23, 2021

No sooner than Joe Biden sat down behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office did he begin to sign a stack of executive orders undoing various policies enacted by his predecessor, Donald Trump.


Among those first policy reversals: Nearly all of Trump's border and immigration enforcement policies.

What happened next was predictable -- hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world flooded across our southwestern border, many of them never to be returned to their home country.

Since January, some estimates have put the number of people who have crossed illegally into the U.S. at more than 1.3 million.

The most recent crisis, however, came this past week, when nearly 15,000 migrants from Haiti gathered under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas, setting up a tent city. Initially, the Biden regime said that it would restart repatriation flights back to Haiti after being pressured by Republicans and some media outlets, but it turns out that the regime isn't doing that, and in fact, the regime is actually moving those people into our country like they've been doing with Mexican and Central American migrants for months, according to Breitbart News:

Biden administration officials began quietly telling journalists Monday they will release many of the roughly 15,000 Haitian migrants in the Del Rio camp.

The releases will allow the migrants to take Americans’ jobs, to compete for housing, to ask for asylum and green cards, and to put their children into the crowded classrooms needed by ordinary American kids.

"The Haitian catch and release process also will be displayed by Haitians’ cellphones and will encourage more Haitians to risk their children’s lives in the long trek to the U.S. border," the outlet continued.

The Haitians who have invaded our country “aren’t idiots … they’re rational actors,” said Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies.

"They’re not cartoons in the imagination of some liberal do-gooder. They’re people who have a good sense of what they want and what the odds are," he said.

"[So] if anyone who brings a child with him is exempted from the [deportation] rules, then sending back the single adults only [to Haiti] is not really sending the [deterrence] message that people think it is, because it is saying [to Haitians] 'Always make damn sure you have a kid with you, and then we’ll let you go into the U.S.,'" he continued.

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld blasted the mainstream media, as well as Democrats, who criticized Border Patrol agents on horseback who were photographed keeping Haitian migrants from streaming into the country from Mexico, which is their job, because liars claimed that they were "whipping" the migrants.

'I don’t care about the humanitarian crisis until I can find an angle that I like' – That’s what you just saw with these dumb hacks that you just saw in that montage," he said in response to a clip of on-camera comments from Vice President Harris, Rep. Ilhan Omar D-Minn., MSNBC host Joy Reid and CNN host Christopher Cuomo.

"These networks [and] these people had no interest in the story until they could create an acceptable villain in law enforcement. They didn’t give two poops about the 12,000 refugees that were there. But oh, they discovered a Twitter image in their doom scrolling that looks like a whip: So they go Full Covington," Gutfeld continued, in reference to how most mainstream outlets blasted Nicholas Sandmann, a Catholic school student from Kentucky who was seen on video facing off and smiling at a Native American left-wing activist during the March For Life in 2019, while Phillips banged on a drum in his face while he chanted.

"Chris Cuomo, Yamiche, April and all of these other bozos who pretend to be journalists, then pretend to have a story," Gutfeld said.

"If Democrats and the media cared enough about this crisis from the time that we started covering it months ago and weeks ago with this, this actual story wouldn’t be necessary," he said.

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