It’s come to this in today’s Democratic Party: Supporters who knowingly back the protection of child sex traffickers as long as they are in our country illegally and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency is involved in any way.
Earlier this week in Oakland, Libby Schaff, tipped off illegal alien criminals earlier this year to an impending raid by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents — ICE and the local police department were executing a raid on suspected child sex traffickers when a crowd of angry white liberals assembled to protest — before they had a single solitary clue what was even going on.
A local news report noted:
“We love our neighbors.” They also wrote with chalk on the ground saying, “OPD is a disgrace.” They were thinking this was an immigration investigation because Homeland Security was out here but we just word from Oakland police that this was, in fact, a federal criminal search warrant executed in connection with human sex trafficking of juveniles right here in the 700 block of 27th street.
WATCH: Democrats protest ICE while they bust a human trafficking
— Wired Sources (@WiredSources) July 4, 2018
If you watch an extended version of the report you’ll hear lunatics — there’s just no other word to describe them — make claims like “no human is illegal,” ICE is the problem, and there should be no borders at all, at least for the United States.
A group of Democrats protested @ICEgov today in front of a house where ICE and @DHSgov were making arrests to stop a child sex trafficking ring. They LITERALLY protested Law Enforcement arresting illegal immigrant’s accused of sex trafficking CHILDREN.
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) July 5, 2018
One Twitter user wrote of the insanity: “A group of Democrats protested @ICEgov today in front of a house where ICE and @DHSgov were making arrests to stop a child sex trafficking ring. They LITERALLY protested Law Enforcement arresting illegal immigrant’s accused of sex trafficking CHILDREN.”
This isn’t the first time that illegal immigrants have been accused of being involved in the sexual exploitation of children and human trafficking. According to a January 2013 ICE report — back when Obama’s administration was “caging children” — “the United States is a destination country for thousands of men, women, and children trafficked from all areas of the world. These victims are trafficked for the purposes of sexual and labor exploitation.”
The report noted that many aliens are “lured” from their homes with promises of good-paying jobs but are then sold or exchanged into “prostitution, domestic servitude, farm or factory labor or other types of forced labor.”
Like, slavery. Do Democrats still support slavery? Because it continues to exist and it’s being imposed upon others by some of the same illegal alien child sex traffickers that insane white liberals are trying to protect.
Don’t like the word “slavery?” Take it up with the Left-wing American Civil Liberties Union then. In a fact sheet posted to its website, the ACLU says:
Human trafficking is a modern form of slavery. It is an extreme form of labor exploitation where women, men and children are recruited or obtained and then forced to labor against their will through force, fraud or coercion. Trafficking victims are often lured by false promises of decent jobs and better lives. The inequalities women face in status and opportunity worldwide make women particularly vulnerable to trafficking.
Wow; that sounds remarkably similar to Obama’s ICE.
Another group of violent illegal alien sex traffickers and child abusers includes MS-13 animals.
Earlier this year, a group of MS-13 animals beat a 15-year-old girl to death in Kensington, Md., because she wasn’t producing enough as a prostitute, the Center for Immigration Studies noted.
“It turns out that this criminal enterprise was not an isolated endeavor, but that such sex trafficking is a core element of MS-13’s business model,” Andrew R. Arthur of CIS writes, citing a Washington Post report from years ago reporting on the gang’s child sex prostitution rings.
Democrats and their supporters hate America, that much is obvious. Fine. But they should do us all a favor and find somewhere else to live more suitable to their sensibilities rather than ruin the entire country for all of us.
Read more about the migrant invasion at our borders at
J.D. Heyes is editor of The National Sentinel and a senior writer for Natural News and News Target.
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