Rudolf started out as a chemist doing forensic research, touching on whether the Zyklon B poison gas used at the Auschwitz concentration camp would have left any traces stable enough to be detected until today. According to him, an American expert on execution technologies raised the issue in the late 1980s.
The German author of the book "Holocaust Encyclopedia" then went out and worked on his report titled "The Rudolf Report," which claimed that the gassings at the Auschwitz and Majdanek concentration camps never happened. But Rudolf was persecuted for his efforts and even sentenced to 44 months in prison.
Rudolf also cited the book of a French socialist who was a resistance fighter during World War II. The French author – who also survived a stint at a German concentration camp – questioned the twisted, exaggerated and invented mainstream narrative regarding the camps.
"I know that almost all people in the Western world who have been exposed all of their life to this one-sided narrative, and to the inculcation of 'feel guilty if you doubt.' You cannot, you are not allowed to doubt," he told Adams.
"And that doubt made me feel guilty indeed because I was doubting. I felt guilty, and I realized that I felt guilty just for doubting, I got angry."
Rudolf clarified that while doubting is understandable, there is something wrong in a society that raises and educates people to feel guilty just for doubting.
"This is what made me angry, and this is what I said: 'This is not right, something's wrong here.' They have to have to hide some skeletons in the closet, or else they wouldn't go to that great length to suppress doubt"
The Health Ranger then asked his guest if people were really being told the entire truth and whether the accounts regarding the Holocaust was not exaggerated. Rudolf answered in the negative, adding that there are a number of 'mainstream' accounts which have been accepted that are actually invented.
There are several cliches about the Holocaust circulating, including letters repeated by many witnesses that other people know cannot be true. He also cited the questionable testimonies of Holocaust survivors who supposedly witnessed the mass extermination of people in the gas chambers as well as the incineration of bodies. (Related: HOLOCAUST DISTORTION: "Warsaw concentration camp" where Polish nationals were allegedly gassed NEVER EXISTED.)
Rudolf also questioned the "flaming chimneys" narrative about the crematoriums of the concentration camps. The flaming chimneys claim is false, given that the concentration camps didn't have morbidly obese people. In contrast, most of the prisoners were emaciated.
A little bit of knowledge in technology, engineering or common sense would enable people to quickly realize that this can't be true, he continued. Such narratives are merely propaganda being repeated by witnesses because the mainstream media expect them to tell a certain story.
Moreover, the author pointed out that the mainstream narrative regarding the number of Jews who died during the Holocaust is currently incorrect.
He indicated a statistical analysis of how many Jews lived in the countries who later came under the influence of Nazi Germany before the war and after the war. He subtracted the number of Jews post-war from the pre-war number, and the answer yielded six million.
The German researcher and author also noted the mass immigration that happened between the last census they had before the war and the first several years after the war. Rudolf said this mass immigration ultimately led to the establishment of State of Israel, but also immigration to the U.S. and other countries around the world.
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Watch the full conversation between Germar Rudolf and the Health Ranger Mike Adams about the questionable Holocaust narratives below.
This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on
Anti-Zionist Jewish group says Israel is "perpetrating a holocaust" in Gaza.
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4 months ago
Download the pdf book called "Breaking the spell" by Nicholas Kellerstrom. Tells you what was found with regards to Zyclon B