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The top twelve priorities for Trump’s America in 2025 – achieve these things and we may save the Republic
By Mike Adams // Nov 06, 2024

Trump achieved a truly historic, almost miraculous victory in this week's election, overcoming an incredible array of tyrants, liars, lawfare practitioners and deep state operatives who tried to destroy him. Now, we are a little over 10 weeks away from the Jan 20th swearing in, and Trump's team is already working hard on the battle plans for pushing the advantage and politically fighting for America's future. (The election victory were merely a beach head. Now the real political battle must press forward.)

Based on the conversations and posts across our Brighteon platforms such as Brighteon.social and Brighteon.com, here are the top priorities that Trump's supporters are advocating:

Priority #1: Free the J6 political prisoners and pardon Tina Peters, Edward Snowden and Ross Ulbricht

Free all the J6 political prisoners. No exceptions. Beyond pardoning them, offer them $100 million each in compensation for their pain, suffering and loss of years of their lives. Their persecution by the Biden regime was inhumane, lawless and a gross violation of the rule of law. Tina Peters, although prosecuted under Colorado state law, absolutely needs to be freed. Make that a priority.

Priority #2: Prosecute the traitors and election fraudsters

All those who knowingly participated in election fraud in 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022 and 2024 must be arrested, prosecuted and face life in prison if found guilty. Attempting to cheat and steal an election is a serious crime that puts us all at risk of exactly the kind of tyranny and authoritarianism we experienced over the last four years. Those who carried out these crimes are not worthy of being allowed to participate in civilized society ever again. Remove them.

Priority #3: Deport the illegals and build the wall to protect the southern border

Start the mass deportations immediately. Locate and remove the 10+ million illegals who have invaded and occupied our nation, committing violent crimes, voter fraud, insurance fraud and the displacement of Americans in need, including many blacks and veterans. The illegals must go. They are welcome to come back if they apply for citizenship and are vetted and approved, but there must be no more open borders and no trafficking of anything across the border (children, weapons, drugs, etc.). There goes the Democrats' campaign funding source!

Priority #4: End medical tyranny and eliminate the FDA, CDC, EPA and USDA

It's time to tear down the federal bureaucracy. What agencies like the FDA, CDC, USDA and EPA proved over the last decade is that they are weaponized against the American people and serve no useful function whatsoever. They merely threaten, coerce and terrorize the American people. Slash their budgets to zero and send all their employees packing. Shut them all down and banish them from existence. Humanity can do better, and we don't need centralized government agencies deciding what is "medicine" or "food" or "pollution." It's also important to end Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) drug ads on TV and other media. Big Pharma has no business advertising directly to consumers. That should be repealed to pre-1997.

Priority #5: End all federal income taxes on individuals, and eliminate the IRS

The IRS needs to go. The income tax was never about raising revenues for the federal government; it was only about hammering the American people to steal their incomes and keep them down. A government that prints trillions of dollars a year does not need to also confiscate money from the American workers. The IRS is a terrorist organization. Every last IRS employee needs to be sent packing, and all IRS collections over the last five years should be refunded to the American people from whom those funds were confiscated.

Priority #6: Restore freedom of speech and prosecute Big Tech platforms for years of censorship

New laws must be passed that expressly prohibit Big Tech platforms from engaging in viewpoint discrimination and banning people for their opinion speech. YouTube and Google executives need to be arrested and charged with serious crimes against America. The federal government must be prohibited from creating censorship requests or lists, or from laundering such censorship through NGOs, which the Biden regime did in spades. All those who engaged in deliberate censorship of US citizens must be arrested and prosecuted for violating the civil rights of the American people.

Priority #7: Outlaw grooming, DEI and WOKE policies in corporations, government and education

DEI and woke policies are discriminatory and racist by definition. All such policies must be declared illegal, and protections for races and genders must be extended to include white people and men, not just "people of color" or women, or men pretending to be women. Equal protection under the law must mean equal protection. Equal rights. Not equal outcomes, but equal opportunities for all people, including those who lack melanin in their skin. These years of outright discrimination against whites and men have been little more than reverse racism, pushed by the corporate media, Hollywood, universities and government policies. The discrimination must end, and those who carried it out must be criminally charged.

Priority #8: Nuremberg 2.0 trials for the COVID criminals and depopulation vaccine pushers

It's time for a full investigation and a series of trials against the architects and conspirators who pushed the COVID depopulation agenda and vaccine bioweapons on humanity. We need a full accounting, and people like Fauci and Gates must face arrest and prosecution. All those who took part in the hospital homicide protocols, who murdered for profit with ventilators, who coerced workers and soldiers into taking deadly jabs, and who destroyed local businesses with unnecessary lockdowns must be prosecuted for their crimes. Hold them all accountable.

As Dr. Brian Hooker of CHD just tweeted, "It is now time for Nuremberg 2. Line them up: Gates, Fauci, Collins, Birx, Redfield, Walensky, Baric, Daszak and many others. The damage caused by their profiteering is staggering."

Priority #9: Get the USA out of foreign wars and end NATO

No American blood for Israel or Ukraine. End the wars, end the supply of money and weapons to these countries, and focus on America first. Don't get drawn into wars with Russia, China or Iran. The U.S. military cannot win those wars, and they will only lead to economic and military destruction for the USA. NATO should be ended entirely, and NATO forces should withdraw to Minsk Accord boundaries. This would end the war with Russia. And if Europe wants to fight Russia itself, they are welcome to try, but all the military forces of Western Europe wouldn't last a month. Only Turkey has a significant ground force presence, and they are headed out the door of NATO soon anyway.

Priority #10: End the Fed and halt the fiat currency mass counterfeiting operation that will only end in financial collapse

The dollar is going to collapse. Far better to unwind it in an orderly fashion, end the criminal Federal Reserve (a cabal of foreign banksters), halt the money printing and launch a new gold-backed currency system that can't be hyperinflated into oblivion. Or better yet, get the government out of the business of currency and money altogether. Crypto, gold and silver offer capable alternatives, and there is no longer any need for a centralized, government-weaponized system of currency in the first place.

Priority #11: Fix the broken election system with paper ballots, nationwide voter ID and same-day election results

For America to have a real future, the rigged election system that has kept Democrats in power for generations must be entirely dismantled and ended. This means paper ballots in all elections from here forward. Voter ID must be required at all voting centers, and only U.S. citizens may vote. Every ballot must be serialized so it can only be scanned once. All election results must be counted and delivered on a same-day basis, which is easily possible for every other nation in the world to accomplish, but for some reason in the USA, when Democrats want to cheat, elections are drawn out for days. That has to end now.

Priority #12: End CIA control over the corporate media and yank the FCC broadcast licenses of all media outlets that deliberately deceived America

The CIA-run corporate media is a disgrace to this nation. Arguable, outlets like NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN and others are engaged in deliberate acts of treason against this nation, as they pushed one deep state lie after another, for years on end. There must be accountability for that action, and possible resolutions could include criminal prosecutions, revocation of FCC broadcast licenses, fines, etc. The days of the corporate media coordinating dangerous, treasonous lies against this republic are over. Accountability needs to be extracted from these liars and traitors. Their reign of information terror must come to an end.

Pitfalls and traps to avoid

President Trump must be alert to the nefarious forces trying to halt his progress:

- Beware of NEOCONS infiltrating your administration. Mike Pompeo is a snake. He's John McCain 2.0. Watch out for John Boltons and other war mongers who only want to profit from war and death while keeping America ensnared in multiple foreign wars.

- Don't get sucked into the Zionist agenda of war with Iran. Zionists want America to fight their wars in the Middle East, and those wars would be catastrophic for the U.S. economy and military. Put America first, not Israel.

- Don't get stopped by the lawfare of the radical Left. If treasonous judges try to block a border wall, impeach those judges for violating their constitutional oaths to defend the republic. If a member of the U.S. Senate tries to block election integrity such as making sure only U.S. citizens vote in elections, charge them with treason and remove them from power with impeachment. Stop being polite with traitors. Those who oppose fundamental protections of U.S. elections, U.S. territory and the U.S. Constitution are, by definition, enemies of the United States of America and should never be allowed to interfere with these critical protections for this republic.

- Don't try to pander to the corporate media and its "shame game." The corporate media is irrelevant. Achieving success for America is going to anger those who despise this nation. You will never be popular with demons when you try to cast out those demons. Nobody in the corporate media is acting in good faith. They are sabotage agents who hate this nation, despise humanity and are at war with God. Treat them with the total disrespect they have earned. I'm quite certain Steve Bannon would agree with me on this point, as he is a warrior, not a coward.

If Trump and his team members follow even a few of these guidelines, they will achieve tremendous success for America. Voice your support each day across social media. Let your voice be heard and demand real, radical reforms. Push the advantage to its fullest. Defeat the enemies of America and the enemies of God. You will be thankful that you did.


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Great job! TERM LIMITS for congress, scotus and all judges.


It all looks fantastic, except for the misunderstanding about the FCC.

Only broadcast stations are regulated by the FCC. Networks do not transmit. They are rebroadcast by TV stations that ARE under FCC jurisdiction.

So TV and Radio are regulated. But, networks like CNN, ABC, CBS, etc. only provide a feed to those stations.

The nets are carried by many affiliates. Those stations transmit, and must meet FCC regulations.

The Marxist Media Networks should be held accountable…but the FCC isn’t the answer.

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Prohibit and condemn globalism/socialism worldwide


You must not forget to: - Put an end to all weather modification actions known as chemical trails. - Ban and condemn all genetically modified products as well as all food products produced in laboratories.


Disband the CIA, FBI, DHS, Dept of Ed, IRS, HUD, Pull out of the UN, WHO, NATO, America was not to be involved with foreign entanglements. Declare the Fed Reserve Null and Void, and all National Debts to be illegal and invalid and file Bankruptcy on the illegal UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION Filed as a foreign Swiss Corporation status, filed in London. Void out the Act of 1871 and Declare the Declaration of Restoration of the Original US Constitution as our founder intended restored and begin a new. The 10 Square miles called Washington DC has no legal Authority to operate nor rule over the 50 States, nor our people. Its all Illegal corporation and violates the original US Constitution for the Republic of the United States of America. Imprison the Traitors that have hijacked our Republic. Produce a new Currency backed by Gold and Silver. Lots of work to do in this first 2 years. Get to it. with this Mandate.

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I agree with all of it. But you forgot about the United Nations and their one world order agenda. Specifically Agenda 2030. The UN needs to be disbanded as soon as possible. Also you forgot the World Economic Forum (WEF), the rich elitist that control the banking cartels, monopolize corporations and control the the economy to further their agenda..

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This all sounds great and please keep us out of the WHO.


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