First off, Trump wins big on Election Day. I'm estimating between 325 - 350 electoral votes. The cheating Dems, of course, know this is going to happen, which is why corrupt officials in swing states have been pre-announcing that they'll need up to 12 days to "count" additional ballots. They aren't just counting them, they're fabricating them. They need 12 days to cheat.
Friday's Fifth Circuit decision that declared all mail-in ballots must arrive by Election Day puts a damper on the Dems' cheating plan. Even though the Fifth Circuit technically doesn't have legal jurisdiction over all 50 states, its decision is a court precedent that can be cited by GOP attorneys in other states and expanded by other local or district courts. It's also likely this decision will be expedited to the US Supreme Court within the next 2-3 weeks, and there, it also seems like the Supreme Court will concur with the Fifth Circuit's decision. This would render the Dems' swing state cheating effort null and void, for the most part. Yes, they will still cheat in other ways, but without the post-election "mail-in ballot" cheating mechanism, the Trump margin of victory becomes too big to rig.
Once Trump wins the election, all hell breaks loose across America. This is when the radical Left activates every asset they control to cause mass chaos and violence across America. This would include activating the millions of military-aged males that have illegally crossed the border in order to occupy the nation in preparation for sabotage operations.
Their goal is to make America ungovernable, and for 2 1/2 months, they will have the Biden / Harris regime in charge to help accelerate the violence by turning every federal agency against the American people: FEMI, FBI, DOJ, ATF, etc.
There's also a very real chance of the USA and NATO initiating a nuclear exchange with Russia to try to get Russia to achieve a nuclear strike on America before Trump can take office. Even worse, there's a strong possibility of a nuclear false flag detonation on U.S. soil, carried out by the deep state, intended to kill Trump before January 20th.
Assuming we make it to January 6th, Kamala Harris is constitutionally required to submit the states' electoral votes to the US Congress for final acceptance of the election results. It is on this day that outright traitors like Rep Raskin have promised to refuse to certify the votes, citing paragraph 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment which was written after the Civil War to prevent southern war generals from holding high public office. The desperate Democrats will claim this disqualifies Trump, even though Trump led no armies against America, did not call for any insurrection, and actually, as we now know, had strongly requested National Guard troops to be deployed to the capital grounds on January 6, 2021, to prevent any violence.
Yet the Democrats, knowing they have nothing left, will attempt to subvert the Constitution and simply declare that Trump cannot be president. On this day, remember, they still control the federal government and the military. Events surrounding this day will very likely see Joe Biden or Kamala Harris unleash the U.S. military to start executing pro-Trump citizens while Democrats attempt a second coup (the first one was the rigged 2020 election) to maintain control over the White House.
What happens from here is anyone's guess, if we even make it that far. At some point, if the chaos is sufficiently widespread, China may wage an invasion with the help of Mexican drug cartels. The most likely target of this invasion is Arizona.
Similarly, BRICS nations may publicly denounce the dollar and abandon it simultaneously. (Operation Sandman) This would cause U.S. Treasuries to suffer plummeting value, requiring the Treasury to dramatically raise long-term bond rates to try to find buyers of U.S. debt. Such a move only accelerates the downward debt spiral into hyperinflation and financial oblivion.
Many other scenarios are also possible between Election Day and Jan 20th, 2025. The Dems will stop at nothing to destroy Trump and destroy America, especially if they realize they can no longer control it.
Should Trump actually manage to take office, he will inherit a morally corrupt, fiscally obliterated, culturally vacuous, militarily weakened nation now largely rooted in corruption, incompetence and insanity. Pulling America out of the muck is an impossible task, and even Trump won't be able to stop the financial collapse of the bankrupt empire. At best, Trump can soften the landing or possibly accelerate the transition to get the painful part over as quickly as possible.
Ultimately, there is no "saving" America as we know it. There is only collapse followed by reformation. A "new America" can rise from the ashes of this collapsed nation, but only after the federal government defaults on its debt, abandons the dollar currency, shuts down most of the federal government and the military, and carries out mass arrests and prosecutions of the long list of traitors and treasonous actors who brought the nation to its knees.
Every person in America who took part in rigging elections from 2018, 2020, 2022 and 2024 should be arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned for life if found guilty. Every so-called "journalist" who actively pushed CIA talking points to try to destroy Trump and America should be considered "traitors" and prosecuted accordingly. Every Big Tech executive who took part in rigging search results, censoring constitutionally-protected speech or distorting interactions with the public in order to cheat in elections should be arrested and charged with treason. Finally, every American official who took part in the active invasion and occupation of America by illegal aliens should also be arrested and tried with treason, while all the illegals are found and deported. This is the only pathway to the restoration of America as a land of liberty and equal justice.
The upshot of all this is that Americans who wish to survive the coming chaos must prepare for widespread chaos, hyperinflation, food scarcity and domestic warfare.
The radical Left will wage war. Currency collapse will cause hyperinflation and food scarcity. Chaos will be delivered by the illegal invaders and their chaos operations, following orders from foreign national whose intent is to weaken and overthrow the United States of America.
They will likely get their wish. America as we know it will likely cease to exist within the very first year of a Trump presidency. We will likely see currency collapse, a bank crisis, domestic warfare and likely even secession or nullification efforts by various states. Blue states may even refuse to recognize Trump as president, deciding instead to recognize their own "president" and move their capital to California. We could quickly find ourselves living in the Divided States of America, with all the economic and geopolitical chaos you might expect.
That's why I reiterate the importance of getting to a red county in a red state before all this chaos unfolds, if you are able to do so. If not, have a bugout plan that can get you out of harm's way.
The blue cities will burn. Those who can will flee. Those who cannot will die.
There is zero chance that Democrats across America will embrace Trump as their president, and there's zero chance that the bureaucracy will embrace Trump. That means Trump will need to slash the size of the bureaucracy in order to get rid of all the deep state traitors. Expect to see radical, massive cuts across federal agencies, possibly with the help of Elon Musk, the "Slasher-In-Chief." The IRS, USDA, EPA, DEA, ATF, CDC, FBI and a hundred other unconstitutional agencies must all be ended for America to be free. Shut them all down and send their people packing. End all federal benefits for those who pushed COVID lies, vaccine mandates and lockdowns. Make these parasites on society find real jobs in the real world, or live in poverty like what they inflicted upon countless Americans.
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5 months ago
In other words, it's going to get very nasty very fast.
Prayer and fasting can stop war and suspend the laws of nature.
Vote for Jesus.
5 months ago
Someone explain.what Mike means blue cities will burn .I would think it would be the red cities that would burn.. the Democrats aren't going to burn their own cities
5 months ago
"The upshot of all this is that Americans who wish to survive the coming chaos must prepare for widespread chaos, hyperinflation, food scarcity and domestic warfare." In the Bible, what is coming quickly is called the Great Tribulation and it ends this Satan ruled system of things. Jesus spoke of this; Matt 24:14 for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. 22 In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short. -- Mark 13:20 In fact, unless Jehovah had cut short the days, no flesh would be saved. But on account of the chosen ones whom he has chosen, he has cut short the days. -- We are given two witnesses to this GT to show us that this will without fail come to pass. This ends at Armageddon which ushers in the 1000 year rule of Jesus during which the resurrection of most that have ever lived on this earth will be brought back to life and be given an opportunity to learn and live forever here, on the earth, our home forever. Buckle up and get ready, interesting times are just ahead! If you have questions, please ask or email me for more information; I can direct you to a Bible study that you can enjoy in your home. If interested, please request such a study via email.
5 months ago
Great job of "prophesy" here, Mike.
I'll let you know what my Crystal Ball sez on 10/31.
I got some buckets w covers at hardware store.
5 months ago
Seriously, claiming the Democrats are the evil doers is pure nonsense. Both parties are controlled by a more evil force of the power elite who select who will be POTUS so the elections are rigged right from the start. Trump would never have been elected in 2016 if they didn't want him in office, just like they made sure he wouldn't win in 2020.
This election it won't make any difference who gets the nod as the outcome will be the same. You can expect civil unrest/martial law, weather weaponization, another plandemic, power grids going down, etc. etc. The end game is total destruction of the US and the West (ie NATO) while the East rises (China, Russia, Iran, North Korea).
A likely deal has been brokered by the PTB to assure this so a nuclear war is off the table as the US is destroyed from within and no outside attack will be necessary.
The bottom line is forget about prepping or anyone coming to your rescue. Your days are numbered and time is winding down. Tick toc, tick toc.......
5 months ago
Well all of those are potentials in the "perfect storm" of chaos and collapse being engineered no matter who they install