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U.S. Army issues threat advisory warning about migrant gangs terrorizing American cities
By Ethan Huff // Sep 12, 2024

An armed prison gang from Venezuela known as Tren de Aragua (TdA) is spreading across America as the U.S. Army warns the Department of Defense (DOD) about escalating violence.

In a threat advisory, the U.S. Army revealed that TdA has already established a major foothold in numerous American cities. Their presence is a threat to local, state and federal law enforcement, the military says – oh, and to American citizens and their neighborhoods.

Investigative journalist James O'Keefe of O'Keefe Media Group (OMG) obtained the Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) memo in question, which warns of escalating migrant gang violence across America. It also specifies that TdA is packing some seriously advanced technology and surveillance that is making terror easier to execute.

According to the advisory, TdA "has established a presence in Brooklyn, Bronx, and Williamsburg, N.Y." with an estimated 400 gang members now living in these cities. The U.S. Army further claims that TdA has close ties to Hamas and Hezbollah –because why not?

(Related: Did you know that these same armed Venezuelan gangs are terrorizing America's top oil field in Texas?)

Tren de Aragua gang members to go after police

Democrat lawmakers are in denial about the TdA threat, which already made its presence known at an apartment complex in Denver suburb Aurora, Colo., in late August. TdA members also reportedly fired 19 rounds at the Chapman Gate of Lackland Air Force Base in Texas.

Local and state law enforcement need to know, the U.S. Army says, that TdA members have been given the green light to start targeting police officers in Denver and New York City.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) says most of the TdA members currently in the U.S. crossed the border illegally through Texas between 2022 and 2023. This means Joe Biden and his "border czar" Kamala Harris are responsible for this latest migrant threat.

All of this could explain why the National Guard is quietly stationing troops and military personnel at New York City subway stations. The U.S. Army's Threat Analysis Division (TAD) claims that DOD employees and their family members could soon become victims of the gang.

"The Kamala Harris administration just admitted Venezuela's prison and gang population," tweeted the Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes) X account. "Now Venezuela crime is dropping like a rock. We have imported MILLIONS of criminals that are killing Americans so Democrats can get their votes."

Another X account called "Accountability Matters" (@geosciteacher17) tweeted that he (or she) "watched these gangs walk across the southern border" just two-and-a-half years ago.

Mysterious "vans" allegedly took the gang members "deeper into the Texas cities" of San Antonio, Austin, and Houston, all thanks to the Biden-Harris regime which "paid to have them sent to the U.S. to cause massive chaos at the border."

"However, what they did not expect was that the gangs would end up in NYC, Chicago, Colorado, and California," the account continued.

"These 'gangs' were sent here to harm Americans, by our OWN government. Harris and the left hate America so much they are willing to fund a private army to destroy the lives of innocent Americans."

America has gone from being the land of the free to the land of the illegals. Learn more at InvasionUSA.news.

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