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RFK Jr. confesses to planting dead bear cub in Central Park
By News Editors // Aug 07, 2024

On Sunday, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. admitted to placing a dead bear cub in New York City’s Central Park a decade ago as a prank. He made the revelation in a video with actor Roseanne Barr.

(Article by Jack Montgomery republished from TheNationalPulse.com)

“We thought it would be amusing for whoever found it,” Kennedy said. “The next day, it was on every television station… I was like, ‘Oh my God, what did I do?’"

A dog discovered the bear cub near a bicycle in the park, alarming city residents and sparking an investigation into whether bears were roaming the area. Authorities noted trauma on the bear’s body but could not determine the cause of death, leaving the mystery unsolved until Kennedy’s bizarre confession.

The video seems to be an attempt to preempt a negative story Kennedy expects on the subject from The New Yorker.

Previously, Kennedy’s campaign ran into controversy when he was accused of sending people pictures of himself eating a barbecued dog. This was later connected to his past confession that part of his brain had been eaten by a parasitic worm.

Read more at: TheNationalPulse.com

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