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Newly uncovered damning video footage of Kamala Harris could be the end of her 2024 campaign
By News Editors // Jul 30, 2024

Could this be the final nail in Kamala’s 2024 coffin? Newly uncovered footage of Kamala Harris has surfaced, and it’s as damning as it gets. She’s caught on camera supporting the highly unpopular “Defund the Police” movement, which the left tried to launch unsuccessfully after the deadly and destructive George Floyd riots. It was so unpopular with Americans that, much like the “border czar” disaster, they tried to pretend it never happened—but it did, and we’ve got the video to prove it.

(Article republished from Revolver.news)

And speaking of the “border czar” disaster…


By now, you’re likely well aware that we’re dealing with a regime-run propaganda machine. It’s almost impossible not to see that the US media acts as a weapon for the Deep State, doing their bidding at every turn. Yet, there are moments when the propaganda is so glaringly obvious and damaging that it has to be called out. This situation involving Kamala Harris, the “border czar,” is one of those instances. It’s quite a spectacle and perfectly illustrates just how far the media will go to bolster the wildly unpopular vice president.

But the hits keep coming for ol’ Kamala. Not only does she rubber-stamp her approval of the dangerous “Defund the Police” movement, but she also claims that “more safety with more cops is wrong” and suggests it’s time to “upend” the entire system. The timing couldn’t be worse. This comes at a time when violent crime is skyrocketing. We just witnessed an anti-Trump, left-wing extremist attempt to assassinate President Trump and murder one of his innocent supporters on live TV. Not to mention all the violent crime that’s destroying liberal-run cities. Americans want safety; they’re tired of watching the bad guys call the shots while cops are demonized and mocked.

But Kamala has reinvented herself into a soft-on-crime, left-wing stooge who bends the knee to Marxist groups like Antifa and BLM.

This will definitely leave a mark. It ranks alongside Kamala’s infamous bail fund campaign, where she urged donations to help “Summer of Love” rioters, murderers, and sex offenders get back on the streets as quickly as possible.

Imagine how many lives could’ve been saved if Kamala hadn’t promoted that heinous fund.

In regards to the wildly unpopular “Defund the Police” movement, back in 2022, Rollcall published a piece about how the idiotic agenda was still haunting Democrats. And now, thanks to Kamala, the nightmare lives on.

Roll Call:

It’s becoming increasingly clear that after the economy, crime is a hot-button issue driving voter sentiment in the lead-up to the November elections. But despite voter concern, Democrats continue to be divided over the controversial “defund the police” mantra that has grabbed headlines for the past two years, and it’s beginning to hurt their prospects for the fall elections.

The mixed messaging of party leaders versus the call to defund by progressives, especially extreme comments by members of the Squad, has become a costly roadblock to retaining the House as voters lose confidence in Democrats’ ability to address rising violence across the country.

Even a cursory look at statements by Democratic leaders and radical backbenchers opposed to increased funding of police explains the party’s dilemma.

On Feb. 13, George Stephanopoulos raised the issue of Rep. Cori Bush’s statements calling for defunding the police during an interview with Speaker Nancy Pelosi. “With all due respect in the world to Cori Bush,” she replied, “that is not the position of the Democratic Party.”

Pelosi then declared, “Defund the police is dead.”

Two weeks later, in his State of the Union address, President Biden called for increased funding for police: “We should all agree: The answer is not to defund the police. The answer is to fund the police. Fund them. Fund them.”

Apparently, Squad member Bush didn’t get the message. In a tweet after the speech, she said, “With all due respect, Mr. President, you didn’t mention saving Black lives once in this speech. All our country has done is given more funding to police. The result? 2021 set a record for fatal police shootings. Defund the police. Invest in our communities.”

A month later, a gunman shot up a New York subway train, and an inconvenient 2019 letter from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jerrold Nadler and other liberal New York House members resurfaced. The letter to then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo opposed a plan to put 500 new Metropolitan Transportation Authority officers in the subways to reduce crime.

The proof is everywhere that “Defund the Police” was an epic fail, yet the woman who wants to be president pushed this deadly and dangerous movement as a way to “upend” our system. That, right there, should scare every single American citizen.

Ironically, perhaps when all is said and done, we’ll miss Bumbling Joe’s ineptitude. Granted, Biden was no “centrist” by any stretch, but Kamala’s extremism makes Joe seem like an even-keeled guy, and that’s a really scary thought. If you thought the country was spiraling out of control under Biden, it will be a million times worse with Kamala, that’s for certain.

Read more at: Revolver.news

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