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DEEP STATE COVER-UP: All U.S. intelligence chiefs, including Cheatle, refuse to testify in Trump assassination inquiry
By Ethan Huff // Jul 26, 2024

Nobody in charge of America's top three-letter law enforcement agencies is willing to testify about what really happened at Donald Trump's campaign rally in Butler, Penn., on July 13 when the former president took a bullet to the ear, it is being reported.

Not only is Kim Cheatle, the former head of Secret Service – Cheatle just resigned after her agency failed to protect Trump and his supporters – refusing to cooperate with the congressional investigation, but the same is also true of Christopher Wray, director of the FBI and Alejandro Mayorkas, who heads the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Various witnesses who were at the rally are said to be cooperating with the House Homeland Security Committee probe, but not Cheatle, Wray or Mayorkas whose loyalties appear to be elsewhere other than the American people they swore to serve – watch the video below:

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Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) Commissioner Col. Christopher L. Paris agreed to testify at the hearing, as did the National President of the Fraternal Order of Police. Cheatle, who was scheduled to attend, did not show up at all.

"The PSP is responsible for investigating one homicide and two attempted homicides of rally attendees, both state crimes under Pennsylvania's Crimes Code, as well as the use of force by a United States Secret Service (USSS) sniper," Paris said in his opening statement.

"Conversely, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Federal Criminal Code, the FBI is responsible for investigating the attempted homicide of former President Trump. Due to these crimes stemming from the same sequence of events, the FBI and the PSP have combined investigative efforts. To date, over 100 interviews have been conducted and 1,000 pieces of evidence gathered."

Wray, meanwhile, denied a request to give testimony at the same hearing, though he did confirm his scheduled annual appearance before the House Judiciary Committee on July 24. The purpose of that hearing, called "Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation," is to examine how the FBI handled the Trump assassination attempt, but its members used the opportunity to question Wray about what his agency did in Butler.

The same hearing also looked at claims that Attorney General Merrick Garland and Wray are continuing to politicize the nation's top law enforcement agency.

As for Mayorkas, he remains MIA not only concerning the Trump assassination attempt but also his failure to secure America's southern border. Since last August, the House Homeland Security Committee has asked Mayorkas to testify four separate times about his handling of the illegal immigration problem. Mayorkas has yet to cooperate.

"Now, our members are sharing questions they would've asked him had he shown up," the House Homeland GOP (@HomelandGOP) X account tweeted, along with the following video:

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