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UNICEF REPORT: Child casualties in West Bank surged by 250% since Israel’s war began in October
By Laura Harris // Jul 25, 2024

The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has reported a staggering increase of nearly 250 percent in child casualties in the West Bank since October 2023.

Before the onset of the Israel-Hamas war on Oct. 7, children in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, were already experiencing the highest levels of violence in 20 years. The first nine months of last year saw 41 Palestinian children and six Israeli children killed. (Related: WHO accuses Israel of inflicting ACUTE MALNUTRITION on more than 8,000 Palestinian children under 5 years old.)

The war further disrupted their daily lives.

According to the latest UNICEF report published on July 22, 143 children have been killed in the West Bank since October, a sharp rise from the 41 deaths recorded in the preceding nine months. During the same period, two Israeli children were also killed in conflict-related violence and more than 440 Palestinian children have been injured by live ammunition.

The escalating tensions are impacting the physical and mental well-being of thousands of children and families. Children are now scared to even walk around their neighborhoods or go to school.

"For years now, children living in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, have been exposed to horrific violence," said UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell. "The situation has deteriorated significantly, coinciding with the escalation of hostilities inside Gaza. We are seeing frequent allegations of Palestinian children being detained on their way home from school, or shot while walking on the streets. The violence needs to stop now."

The casualties have been reported in 10 out of 11 governorates in the West Bank, with Jenin, Tulkarm and Nablus accounting for more than half of the killings. These areas have witnessed a rise in large and militarized law enforcement operations over the past two years, indicating an increase in both the intensity and scope of the violence.

Although the primary focus of Israeli aggression remains in the Gaza Strip, the repercussions have been severely felt across the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

Save the Children reports 21,000 children missing in Gaza

Save the Childrena non-government organization providing essential services and support to Palestinian children since 1953, reported in June that up to 21,000 children are currently missing in Gaza due to the ongoing war.

Estimates suggest that around 17,000 children are unaccompanied and separated from their families, while approximately 4,000 children are believed to be buried under the rubble. An unknown number of children are also thought to be in mass graves or have been forcibly disappeared, including those detained and transferred out of Gaza.

The chaotic conditions in Gaza make it nearly impossible to gather and verify information and exacerbate the challenges faced by aid agencies in protecting and reuniting separated and unaccompanied children.

Moreover, recent Israeli attacks in Rafah have resulted in mass casualties.

The Ministry of Health in Gaza has reported that bodies have been burned beyond recognition, making it almost impossible for families to confirm the identity of the deceased. The ministry revealed that of the 14,100 children killed since October 7, 6,303 were still not identified.

In line with this, Save the Children Regional Director Jeremy Stoner called for an independent investigation.

"As many have pointed out, Gaza has become a graveyard for children, with thousands of others missing, their fates unknown. There must be an independent investigation and those responsible must be held accountable. We desperately need a ceasefire to find and support the missing children who have survived, and to prevent more families from being destroyed," Stoner said.

Follow IsraelCollapse.com for more news about the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

Watch Robert Inlakesh explaining the UN's decision to add Israel to the blacklist of countries harming children.

This video is from the CreeperStatus channel on Brighteon.com.

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