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EU tyrants vote to punish Hungary for Orban’s “peace mission” – why do they hate peace so much?
By Ethan Huff // Jul 19, 2024

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is making waves across Europe in opposition to the globalist plans of the European Union (EU). Because of this, the tyrants who run the EU have launched a crusade against Orban that aims to punish him for his "peace mission" concerning the war in Ukraine.

After Orban made several recent visits to Kyiv, Moscow and Beijing, the EU launched a partial boycott of all further meetings organized by the Hungarian EU presidency. Some 63 members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have also voted to suspend Hungary's EU voting rights in retaliation against Orban's positions.

According to reports, the partial EU boycott would mean that only civil servants, no commissioners, would be sent from the bloc to all further meetings chaired by Hungary.

During his tour of visits to key capitals across Europe and Asia, Orban has been advocating for peace, meaning no more war in Ukraine. It is clear that Russia is clearly winning the war, which means continuing to throw weapons and cash at the Zelensky regime will only drain the West of its resources while further demoralizing Western populations.

Most EU leaders are livid about Orban's call for peace, arguing that he has no right to say such things in opposition to the EU-U.S.-NATO agenda against Russia.

(Related: To learn more, check out our earlier coverage about how Hungary under Orban has hopped off the "NATO train" due to the West's "hopeless" escalation of war in Ukraine.)

Austria, The Netherlands and Luxembourg condemn EU persecution of Orban

One of the few EU leaders to oppose Orban's persecution is Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer, who praised Orban for breaking a taboo. Nehammer says he does not believe that boycotting Hungary is right, one reason being that it will splinter European unity for no good reason.

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"The European Commission and the Council Presidency should resolve conflicts through discussions, not by calling for a boycott," Nehammer said. "Dialogue is the most important precondition for progress and common solutions at all political levels."

The Netherlands indicated that it may not cooperate with the EU's witch hunt against Orban either. Dutch Prime Minister Dick Schoof told the Telegraaf newspaper that his country will decide on a case-by-case basis whether or not to participate in future events hosted by Hungary.

Schoof, whose right-wing cabinet took office on July 2, indicated that he believes Orban made abundantly clear the fact that his various peace mission meetings are bilateral and do not represent the EU and its positions.

"On a bilateral basis, each country can do what it wants," Schoof said plainly.

Luxembourg Prime Minister Luc Frieden said much the same after meeting his Dutch counterpart. In a press statement, Frieden strongly opposed the EU's boycott of peace meetings hosted by Orban.

"In a democracy, people talk to each other," said the Grand Duchy's Christian Democrat head of government.

"Luxembourg’s positions on various issues can be better conveyed if it is represented at the meetings and communicates clearly with the Hungarians about its values."

It is also being reported that Orban will meet with Donald Trump at the former president's Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, as it would seem that Trump is America's preferred peace candidate.

More related news about the ongoing war in Ukraine and the growing calls for peace can be found at Chaos.news.

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