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Biden exploits assassination attempt on Trump to call for AR-15, “assault rifle” BAN
By Ethan Huff // Jul 18, 2024

In a bumbling speech he delivered in front of the NAACP, President Biden called on Congress to immediately "outlaw" AR-15s and other similar rifles because of what happened to Donald Trump at the former president's Butler, Penn., rally on July 13.

In typical form, Biden exploited the assassination attempt for political purposes by pushing for stricter gun control laws, which he says will prevent such shootings from ever happening again in the future.

"If you're going to speak about violence, you're going to speak about guns," Biden declared before the room. "An AR-15 was used in the attempt on Donald Trump's life. This 'assault weapon' has killed so many others, including children. It's time to outlaw them."

Biden went on to brag about how he already outlawed AR-15s once in his political career, this referring to the passage of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 back when he was a senator – "and I will do it again," Biden said.

(Related: Have a listen to the call Trump made to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. after the assassination attempt in which Trump addresses vaccine injuries and Kennedy's plan to address the problem.)

Two-thirds of Democrats want Biden to drop out of presidential race

The Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994, which prohibited certain semi-automatic firearms with large-capacity magazines – including AR-15s – from being manufactured for civilians, expired in 2004. Ever since that time, Democrats have been advocating for another "assault weapons" ban to replace it – and what better time to try than after someone tried to murder Trump?

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According to Biden, "more children in America die of gunshot wounds than any other reason" and "more children are killed by a bullet than any other cause of death."

Where Biden got this claim is unknown since it cannot be proven. All we know is that he started muttering it in anti-gun speeches on June 2, 2022.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says the leading causes of child deaths include accidents, congenital anomalies, and various health issues – often chronic ones caused by childhood vaccination, it turns out. Nowhere does the CDC list guns or bullets as the leading killer of children as Biden claims.

Even so, Biden had a room full of eager ears at the NAACP who apparently agree with him that AR-15s and other similar rifles need to be outlawed to keep the nation safe against gun violence.

"We have a responsibility to act," Biden claimed. "The safety of our children and our communities is at stake. We cannot afford to wait any longer while these weapons of war remain on our streets."

The late Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) was a strong proponent of Biden's anti-gun agenda having stated that she stood with him "in calling for common-sense gun control." Republican leaders, on the other hand, are opposed to gun control.

"Banning AR-15s will not solve the problem of violence in our society," declared Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.). "We need to focus on enforcing existing laws and addressing mental health issues, rather than stripping law-abiding citizens of their constitutional rights."

Since it is an election year, Democrats would be not so smart to try to ban guns this close to voting day. Many American Democrats are outraged enough at what happened in Butler on July 13 that many more of them could cross the aisle if their party pulls the trigger on politicizing the assassination attempt on Trump.

A recent Associated Press (AP) poll found that two-thirds of Democrats now want Biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential race.

More related news about the assault on the Second Amendment can be found at SecondAmendment.news.

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