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Jordan Peterson demands Elon Musk enact mass censorship to stop people from making fun of him
By News Editors // Jul 17, 2024

The Daily Wire's Jordan Peterson on Friday threw a fit on Twitter demanding mass censorship of all anonymous accounts after someone used AI to make fun of him.

(Article by Chris Menahan republished from InformationLiberation.com)

Peterson tagged Elon Musk with an AI image someone made of him looking like a rat and demanded he hold them "accountable."

The post Peterson whined about to Musk for portraying him as a rat was swiftly censored for violating "X's rules against Hateful Conduct."

"This all started because YOU called ME a rat," Nick Fuentes responded. "But now that your insult is being thrown back at you, you demand the unmasking of anonymous to ensure 'accountability' -- which really means chilling free speech under threat of retaliation. You are a shameless hypocrite and a fraud."

Peterson issued similar demands for mass censorship of anonymous accounts on YouTube after his viewers overwhelmingly criticized his embarrassing, fawning interview of then Israeli Prime Minister-elect Benjamin Netanyahu in Dec 2022.

He had another meltdown whining about "Nazi troll rats" on Thursday and started blocking everyone who criticized him.

He also whined at Andrew Tate for saying he refused to sell out to Israel.

This man sold his soul for money.

Read more at: InformationLiberation.com

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