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Ukraine bombs its own children’s hospital and British journal says Palestinian death toll is astronomical
By News Editors // Jul 10, 2024

The Western propaganda machine — on the eve of the NATO summit in Washington, DC — is alive and kicking like a Thai kickboxer with breathless reports like this, “Russia Strikes Children’s Hospital in Deadly Barrage Across Ukraine.” That is the NY Times headline — front page mind you — but you could see the same message on all major U.S., U.K. and European papers. Hell, even Al Jazeera climbed on board to trumpet the “news.” Here is the NY Times version. It is being repeated almost verbatim in all of the major Western newspapers:

Article by Larry Johnson republished from Sonar21.com

Ukraine’s largest children’s hospital was destroyed by a Russian missile on Monday, shaking Kyiv, the capital, with images of bloodied and injured children, and sending hundreds racing to the scene to help clear twisted metal and smashed concrete in a desperate search for survivors.

The hospital strike was part of a barrage of bombings by Moscow across the country, including one of its deadliest assaults on Kyiv since the first months of the war. At least 38 people were killed across the country, including 27 in Kyiv. More than 100 people were injured. The Ukrainian air force said it shot down 30 out of the 38 missiles launched by Russia during the attack, which began in the midmorning.

“The attack was massive, combined with the use of aerial, ballistic and cruise missiles,” said Serhii Popko, the head of the Kyiv military administration. “The missiles flew at the capital in waves and from different directions.”

At the hospital, one doctor and another adult were killed and at least 10 more people were injured, including seven children, local officials said. At least three children were pulled from the rubble, Ukraine’s emergency services agency said.

This is a ten on both the hypocrisy and propaganda scales. Check it for yourself. Do an internet search on the following — “Ukraine strikes Sevastopol.” Only cursory coverage. No blaring headlines in the NY Times or Financial Times or any other major paper. Ignore it. But this? Intense coverage.

Only one problem with the story — it is BULLSHIT. The children’s hospital was hit by an errant air defense missile fired by Ukraine. Whoops! What is really telling is that there was ZERO news coverage of the other sites hit by Russian missiles in Kiev. You know why? Because they were military targets and there were probably Western casualties. Russia delivered this blow in daylight during working hours in order to inflict maximum casualties on those engaged in producing or repairing weapons.

Ukrainian authorities also lied about the number of Russian missiles shot down. The Ukie Air Force claimed it downed 30 of 38 Russian missiles. Check out the following videos. You can see at least five successful Russian missile strikes in Kiev, including some secondary explosions, which normally are associated with a weapons storage facility. (We’ll see how long YouTube allows the first video to stay online. I will also post on BitChute.)

Shifting to Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians, the British medical journal The Lancet, released a stunning report on the number of Palestinians who have died or will die because of Israel’s murderous campaign:

As many as 186,000 Palestinians may be killed directly or indirectly by the Gaza war, the British medical journal, the Lancet, has predicted.

“Even if the conflict were to end immediately, many indirect deaths will continue to be recorded in the coming months and years due to causes such as reproductive, communicable and non-communicable diseases,” the journal reported.

The death toll could exceed this figure, it said, “given the intensity of this conflict; destroyed healthcare infrastructure; severe shortages of food, water and shelter; the population’s inability to flee to safe places; and the loss of funding to [the UN agency for Palestinian refugees] Unrwa, one of the very few humanitarian organisations still active in the Gaza Strip”.

Judge Napolitano and I discuss this horrific news.

Read more at: Sonar21.com

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