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Minnesota Somalian “refugees” outsmart U.S. government by RIGGING their food aid scam trial
By Ethan Huff // Jun 14, 2024

A major food aid scam scandal has taken place in Minnesota by Somalian "refugees" who reportedly bilked U.S. taxpayers out of about $250 million.

The Department of Justice (DoJ) announced that federal criminal charges have been filed against 47 defendants who are said to have been involved in the fraud scheme.

According to the DoJ, African criminals posing as refugees exploited a federally funded child nutrition program during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic" when most people were distracted by all the fear and tyranny.

"These indictments, alleging the largest pandemic relief fraud scheme charged to date, underscore the Department of Justice’s sustained commitment to combating pandemic fraud and holding accountable those who perpetrate it," said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland.

"In partnership with agencies across government, the Justice Department will continue to bring to justice those who have exploited the pandemic for personal gain and stolen from American taxpayers."

(Related: Earlier this year, Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Democrat from Somalia, abandoned her constituents by adopting a new Somalia First platform that prioritizes the interests of her homeland.)

Somalian refugee scam "largest pandemic relief fraud scheme yet"

The FBI's Christopher Wray also commented on the case to explain that these fake refugees stole public funds designated for children in need, calling the scheme "the largest pandemic relief fraud scheme yet."

"The defendants went to great lengths to exploit a program designed to feed underserved children in Minnesota amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, fraudulently diverting millions of dollars designated for the program for their own personal gain," Wray added.

"These charges send the message that the FBI and our law enforcement partners remain vigilant and will vigorously pursue those who attempt to enrich themselves through fraudulent means."

U.S. Attorney Andrew M. Luger for the District of Minnesota added that the brazenness with which this scheme occurred is "of staggering proportions."

"These defendants exploited a program designed to provide nutritious food to needy children during the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, they prioritized their own greed, stealing more than a quarter of a billion dollars in federal funds to purchase luxury cars, houses, jewelry and coastal resort property abroad," he said.

"I commend the work of the skilled investigators and prosecutors who unraveled the lies, deception and mountains of false documentation to bring this complex case to light."

The 47 defendants face charges that span six separate indictments and three criminal "informations" with charges of conspiracy, wire fraud, money laundering and bribery.

Perhaps the worst aspect of the scheme is the way the defendants allegedly pretended to be poor, downtrodden, needy souls simply looking for a little food and some compassion. The reality of who they really are is much, much different.

At trial, these same alleged criminals conspired to rig and weaponize the judicial system – doing this seems easier than ever these days, does it not? – by buying off jurors with cash.

The Star Tribune reported that a "mysterious woman" dressed in "black" arrived at the suburban home of one of the jurors carrying a party bag stuffed with nearly $120,000 in payoff cash. The woman told the juror's father-in-law who answered the door that if the juror voted to acquit the defendants, the cash was his or hers, and that there would "be more of that present tomorrow."

The juror immediately reported the incident to the Spring Lake Park Police Department.

"This is outrageous behavior," commented Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Thompson to U.S. District Judge Nancy Brasel. "This is stuff that happens in mob movies."

If Americans remain complacent, their country is going to get flushed down the toilet by corrupt foreigners. Learn more at Collapse.news.

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