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Scientists say ribonuclease-targeting CHIMERAS can deactivate mRNA COVID “vaccines,” stop spike protein production
By Ethan Huff // Jun 14, 2024

A study undertaken by researchers at the McCullough Foundation claims to have found a treatment for mRNA (modRNA) Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccination" and associated spike protein production.

A tweet from the fund explains that small interfering RNA, also known as siRNA, as well as ribonuclease targeting chimeras known as RIBOTACs, could "target, inactivate, and degrade residual and persistent vaccine mRNA, thereby potentially preventing uncontrolled Spike protein production and reducing toxicity."

In other words, if you or someone you know got the jab(s), there may be a solution, though the word chimeras in this context is a bit concerning because what exactly do these things do to the body? Are they really safe? We sure hope so.

According to the study, siRNA and RIBOTACs are so targeted in nature that they allow for "precise intervention," which hopefully means no negative side effects. The two technologies also offer "a path to prevent and mitigate adverse events of mRNA-based therapies," the McCullough Foundation says.

(Related: Did you know that so-called "long COVID" is a direct consequence of getting "vaccinated" for the Chinese Flu?)

Conlustro Research says PROTACs break down spike protein, too

Another group called Conlustro Research joined the conversation on X about the new technology to unveil a technology of its own called PROTACs that the company says is "already breaking down spike protein."

"We have the protocol – and the body does itself through its own housekeeping system," the company added. "Follow gene therapy and simply reverse it. It's called NAD pathways plus Sirtuins. We can end the spike factory naturally."

A 2022 paper published in the journal Current Protocols offers further insights into targeted protein degradation and PROTACs, which is short for proteolysis-targeting chimeras.

Targeted protein degraders do not usually require strong binding affinity for their targets due to their sub-stoichiometric nature. This simply means that fewer molecules are needed to get the job done in previously inaccessible targets.

"Proteolysis-targeting chimeras (PROTACs) are one class of targeted protein degraders that promote degradation by recruiting a target protein to an E3-ligase complex via a heterobifunctional molecule," the paper explains.

"The modular nature of PROTACs allows for their rational design and systematic optimization."

An X user named Ron Reece (@Mujhunter) asked Conlustro about the role that zinc deficiency plays in the proper function of SIRT1 and NAD, zinc deficiency having been mentioned all throughout the "pandemic" as a strong factor in COVID "infection."

"We expect people to have multi-vitamins of Vitamins A-K, zinc, Selenium, iron, copper and iodine at 100% RDA otherwise we can supply Magnesium is the only other daily at 375mg we supply for basic fundamental health," the company responded about its protocol.

Another user warned about the McCullough Foundation's protocol that hopefully the solution is not worse than the problem, as is often the case with artificial mechanisms of healing, i.e., pharmaceuticals and biotechnology.

"As you say in your paper: 1. A barrier to the successful implementation of siRNAs is the off-target effects [80]," the person wrote. "2. Lipid-based (LNP) delivery systems [84,85] are required."

It turns out that siRNA and miRNA technologies were originally developed for "vaccine technology," but were later deemed to be too complicated, which is how the world ended up with modRNA.

"NOT Safe NOT Effective," added another X user.

The latest news about the prolific public health damage caused by Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.

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