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Haiti Prime Minister Ariel Henry RESIGNS amid allegations of CANNIBALISM, societal breakdown stemming from gang warfare
By Ethan Huff // Mar 17, 2024

Following several weeks of out-of-control chaos in the capital city of Port-au-Prince, Haiti Prime Minister Ariel Henry has resigned from his post as many were demanding.

In a statement, Henry revealed that he will step down completely once a transitional presidential council is formed and an interim prime minister is named.

"The government that I'm running cannot remain insensitive in this situation. There is no sacrifice that is too big for our country," Henry said. "The government I'm running will remove itself immediately after the installation of the council."

In case you missed it, roving gangs have been terrorizing Port-au-Prince for weeks, some of them cannibalizing their victims. One of their demands was that Henry resign, which he now has.

(Related: Did you know that almost nobody in Haiti died from the Wuhan coronavirus [COVID-19] because almost nobody there got "vaccinated" for it?)

U.S. to give $100 million to Haiti

Just hours before Henry's resignation, Caribbean leaders and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken met in Jamaica to discuss the unraveling situation in Port-au-Prince.

Henry is currently in Puerto Rico where he is reportedly "stuck" and unable to return home due to armed gang attacks on Toussaint Louverture International Airport.

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"I want to thank the Haitian people for the opportunity I had been granted," Henry said in his departure statement. "I'm asking all Haitians to remain calm and do everything they can for peace and stability to come back as fast as possible."

To help "secure" the nation, the United States says it will send another $100 million in taxpayer dollars to Haiti, though the nation's most powerful gang leader, "Barbeque," says he will not accept any U.S. intervention.

"Today, we are taking the occasion to tell the international community to give Haiti a chance," Barbeque said. "Because of what is happening in Haiti now, we Haitians have to decide who is going to lead the country and what model of government we want."

As of right now, Haiti as a nation is said to be collapsed. Henry is no longer there, the ports are officially closed, and cannibal gangs led by Barbeque continue to rove the streets of Port-au-Prince like some kind of horror film.

All of this came to a head just days after the U.S. military conducted emergency airlifting operations to evacuate non-essential personnel from the U.S. embassy in Haiti. U.S. Marines were also sent to the embassy to improve security.

"This is what's going to happen when the financial crisis really hits and there is only enough cash value to pay the government pigs," one commenter warned about what America, in his opinion, has to look forward to. "The streets will become 'barbeque' territory and those in power with limited police will retreat to protect their own."

"If you can't feed the police, they'll turn on the politicians," responded another. "Mercenaries only work for you when you pay and feed them."

More related news can be found at Chaos.news.

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