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Cross at your own risk: Increase in Darien Gap crossings leads to sharp rise in CRIMES against migrants
By Ava Grace // Feb 15, 2024

The mainstream media is apparently turning a blind eye to harrowing stories of crimes at the Darien Gap, located between the Central American nation of Panama and Colombia in South America.

According to independent non-profit newsroom New Humanitarian, the number of migrants who crossed the treacherous jungle corridor saw a record increase in 2023. Its figures also disclosed that Darien Gap migrant crossings have exponentially surged under the open borders policy of U.S. President Joe Biden.

The Guardian disclosed in a report that a record 520,000 people crossed the gap in 2023, citing figures from the Panamanian government. It added that this number was more than double that of 2022 numbers. The Panamanian Ministry of Public Security said most of the migrants who made the journey came from Venezuela, Ecuador, Haiti and China – with those who survive the two-week trek through the jungles ending up on the southern U.S. border weeks later, if not months. (Related: FBI wary of terrorists crossing the border illegally.)

"[The year] 2023 has broken all records. It has been a huge, terrible maelstrom," Elias Cornejo of the non-government organization (NGO) Fe y Alegria told the New Humanitarian. "And we expect a new increase [in 2024]."

However, those who cross the Darien put themselves at risk of violence, sexual abuse, human trafficking and disease. The Doctors Without Borders NGO reported a seven-fold increase in sexual assaults across the gap. Given this, Reuters said back in September that Africans heading to the U.S. are flying to Nicaragua to bypass the gap's dangers.

Ben Bergquam experiences migrant chaos first-hand in Darien Gap

Given the ongoing chaos, Real America's Voice (RAV) correspondent Ben Bergquam and his team reported from the Darien Gap. Just like the other migrants there, they encountered cartel thieves and robbers terrorizing would-be border crossers.

"There you go, Democrats. This is your open borders right there," said Bergquam, referring to the chaos unfolding in the jungle – including rapes, robberies and shootouts.

Bergquam and his team, accompanied by armed guards, tracked and intercepted cartel thieves. They came across countless migrants who warned about cartel members leaving a trail of destruction, including raping and robbing.

The reporters then found themselves in a firefight as armed guards assaulted the thieves, leaving one of them dead while two others were arrested. The men were preying on migrants, armed with pistols and condoms.

"It's never-ending; you can say all you want Biden administration that the borders aren't open. But this video tells the truth," Bergquam said. "You got these scumbags coming in from Colombia – [we got a] … gun and the condoms they are using to rape the women. That's what your open borders do. These people risk their lives."

Bergquam later took to X to expound on their report. The RAV correspondent wrote: "This is all by design by the open borders globalists [and] Democrats, who have realized they can cash in on the 'refugee' game through the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)." These entities, Bergquam added, facilitate "immigration fraud" at the ORR by "training illegals who don't qualify for asylum how to say the right words to get in."

"This is not a natural migration. This is a coordinated, for-profit invasion organized by international NGOs … at the expense of American citizens and every country the invasion passes through."

Watch this video about Agenda 2030's mass migration plan at the Darien Gap being exposed.

This video is from the GalacticStorm channel on Brighteon.com.

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