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WATCH: French far left vandalize monument to the republic, attack police amid ‘national suicide’
By News Editors // Jul 09, 2024

Following their victory in the French elections, the extreme left took to the streets of Paris waving Antifa banners, the Palestinian flag, and the flags of Algeria and other Muslim-majority countries that have sent France large numbers of migrants.

(Article by Jack Montgomery republished from TheNationalPulse.com)

Ben Bergquam, who has been covering European politics with Raheem Kassam, Editor-in-Chief of The National Pulse, recorded “anarcho-communists and jihadists” occupying the Place de la République on the night of the election. Many climbed on top of the square’s Monument to the Republic featuring Marianne, a Lady Liberty-like representation of the French Republic, which has been heavily vandalized with pro-Gaza and other graffiti.

Bergquam filmed masked men rushing in and out of the crowd around the monument to rain glass bottles on nearby lines of police officers. Some activists threw small explosives towards them, with Bergquam complaining they did “absolutely nothing” in response.


“That’s what national suicide looks like, right there,” said Bergquam in a separate video, shot earlier on election day. “Brought to you by the communist left and jihadists, in France, across Europe, and around the world.”

The far-left New Popular Front (NFP) came second in the first round of the French snap election, with Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) in first. However, the NFP formed an electoral pact with President Emmanuel Macron’s initially third-placed Ensemble bloc for the second round, allowing far-leftists and Macronists to pull ahead of Le Pen’s populists.

Nevertheless, the results are still a disaster for Macron, with the NFP’s de facto leader, Jean-Luc Melenchon, opposing his economic policy, arms for Ukraine, and NATO membership.

Macron’s prime minister, Gabriel Attal, has already tendered his resignation. Weeks if not months of internecine struggle will ensue between the NFP, which lacks an outright majority in the legislature, and the Macronists.

Read more at: TheNationalPulse.com

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