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Do you get it yet?
By News Editors // Oct 31, 2023

It’s the same old story every time. Our overlords create and fund those they want us to believe are enemies that must be stopped. The U.S. funded and supported Sadaam Hussein when he was fighting our enemy Iran, who was our enemy because we overthrew their president in the 1950’s and installed the Shah as dictator. When he stopped playing ball with our Deep State, they “saved” Kuwait over a border dispute and falsely claimed he was involved in 9/11 and had WMDs, so they could kill him and steal Iraq’s oil.

(Article republished from TheBurningPlatform.com)

We created and funded Bin Laden when he was fighting our eternal enemy Russia in Afghanistan. Then we blamed him for 9/11 and waged war for over a decade against him and the Taliban. Libya was the most prosperous country in Africa, but Ghaddafi didn’t toe the line with our Deep State, so he became our new enemy and was swiftly dispatched, leaving Libya a lawless hellhole.

The CIA/Deep State overthrew a democratically elected leader of Ukraine because he was friendly with our eternal enemy Russia, creating the conflict today which is bankrupting our country and killing hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians.

Now we know Israel created and funded Hamas, the “horrible” terrorist organization they allowed to attack their country with no resistance, even though they knew it was about to happen. Our globalist overlords always need enemies to create, so they can sustain the military industrial complex and keep the people distracted and angry at other enemies, rather than their true enemies – their corrupt psychopathic leaders.

This is all a show, and you are an unwilling audience member, until you become their cannon fodder. Are you not entertained?

Read more at: TheBurningPlatform.com

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