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Pastor Todd Coconato: Americans are in the middle of a major SPIRITUAL BATTLE
By Kevin Hughes // Oct 31, 2023

Pastor Todd Coconato discussed the corrupted "centralized" churches and urged Christians to leave these entities during the Oct. 16 episode of "Decentralize.TV," with Todd Pitner and the Health Ranger Mike Adams.

Coconato, who hosts "Todd Coconato Ministries" on Brighteon.TV every Sunday, pointed out that Americans are in the middle of a major spiritual battle.

"If you were to just zoom out and look at everything from a 50,000-foot level, this is a massive spiritual battle – and it's time for lions and generals to stand up and speak the truth," he said. "Because if we don't do it now, I don't know when else we're going to do it. If not now, when? If not us, who? If not here, where? So here we are."

Adams mentioned that that church has been weaponized as a system of authoritarianism over free-thinking people. He also noted how elements of the church have been wielded as a weapon to demand obedience, rather than be a pathway for people to have a personal, liberating relationship with Jesus Christ.

Coconato agreed with the assessment. He also expressed belief that many people have indeed been hurt by church leaders.

"They have overreached and done things that they should have never done in the name of Jesus. There are people out there right now that are making all kinds of ridiculous claims and saying all these different things under the guise of God said when God never said these things. So, it's a real minefield," Coconato said.

Some denominations have been corrupted, leading people away from Christianity

Coconato, who serves as the senior pastor of the Nashville, Tennessee-based Remnant Revival Center, noted that the idea of denominations is completely un-biblical. He also remarked that some of these denominations have become extremely corrupt and they have led people away from biblical Christianity. This disruption has caused real believers seeking the heart of God to truly go back and ask questions about Christianity, be a follower of Christ and do things according to the Holy Bible.

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Sticking to the show's theme of decentralization, Adams commented that an individual opening the Bible, reading it and applying its principles in life is one example of it. He added that people can deepen their relationship with Christ and learn what it means to be closer to God even if they don't go to a church. Still, the Health Ranger stressed that they can find a church, a church group or a local community to join.

According to Coconato, wickedness in society proliferated due to the church's weakness and stagnation. Its refusal to involve itself in politics and the different spheres in American culture, alongside its decision to limit itself within the four walls of its physical structure, eventually led the country into a hellish situation.

But the senior pastor and former child actor expressed belief that God is awakening the church today as He is coming back for a Bride without a spot or wrinkle. He added that more and more people are waking up and saying that something wrong is happening.

One example of this evil is the dark side of Hollywood, which Coconato said is being revealed to the public. He also added that the evil things in companies such as Disney are also being shown for the people to see. (Related: Hollywood execs SEXUALLY ABUSE children, attests former Nickelodeon actress.)

"So, it's a good time. I think it's an exciting time to be alive. Even though there's a lot of egregious and evil things that are happening. It's an exciting time because God is moving," Coconato said.

Follow Awakening.news for more news about Christian churches in America.

Watch the full Oct. 16 episode of "Decentralize.TV" below, where Pastor Todd Coconato expounds on the "centralized" churches.

This video is from the DecentralizeTV channel on Brighteon.com.

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Pastor Todd Coconato: A true believer exudes the fruit of the Spirit – Brighteon.TV.

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