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Leftist Dutch government LIES about terror attack by medical student and animal abuser Fouad L., falsely dubbed a “far-right Nazi”
By Ethan Huff // Oct 04, 2023

A Muslim man living in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, whom the media is referring to as Fouad L. shot and killed a neighbor woman and seriously injured her daughter after lighting his own house on fire this week. He then proceeded to shoot up the Medical Center of Erasmus University, only to later have the Dutch government dub him a "far-right Nazi" to avoid outing him as an apparent Muslim extremist.

When police attempted to chase down and apprehend Fouad L., he entered a local hospital wearing a bulletproof vest and a firearm before proceeding to set the facility on fire. Check out the video below to see the damage Fouad L. caused to the Dutch academic and medical establishment:

It turns out that the mayor of Rotterdam, a city where 20 percent of the population is Muslim, deliberately avoided telling the truth about Fouad L. Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb, as you have probably already figured out from his name, is also Muslim.

(Related: Did you know that the Dutch government considers nitrogen to be a pollutant?)

Muslim culture is very different from native Dutch culture

It turns out that Fouad L. has a very troubled past as well. Law enforcement had previously released a warning about his disturbing behavior, which includes an incident in which he was caught abusing a rabbit, and another in which he shot a fish with a crossbow while pretending to be fishing for carp.

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"He liked this. Since, according to him, fish have no feeling, he did not see the problem," reads an email from the Public Prosecution Service to Erasmus MC hospital. The facility was warned well in advance that Faoud L. was probably a threat, despite the fact that he appeared to be a promising medical school candidate who was planning to become a doctor.

The rabbit incident saw a witness come forward, more than likely the neighbor he shot and killed, to state that he "mistreats rabbits in his garden."

"Witnesses have filmed this," the witness testified. "He grabs rabbits, throws them against a tree, kicks them, and throws bricks at them. Additionally, the person shoots a dove with a crossbow and pierces it."

Even worse, Faoud L. was caught abusing his dog and throwing it into the garden. The dog was later rescued from his home. And yet, all of these incidents saw no real punishment save for a measly 40-hour community service sentence that Faoud L. was forced to fulfill.

The rabbit hole goes deep on this with many more stories about Faoud L.'s despicable behavior, not only towards animals but also towards his professors and the school. But the truth has never really been told about him, as the establishment tried to frame Faoud L. as a "far-right Nazi," which creates false imagery of a white conservative who is, perhaps, a member of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) or something.

Thus far, the Dutch government has not disclosed whether Faoud L. is even a native of The Netherlands. He very well could be a "migrant," but very few people know the truth because the truth is not being told for political correctness purposes.

"The heart-wrenching events that unfolded in Rotterdam have left the entire nation in mourning as citizens grapple with the incomprehensible loss of three innocent lives," reported the RAIR Foundation about the case.

"According to the police, the suspect is actively cooperating with the investigation. He has appeared before the examining magistrate, and an arraignment is expected on Monday or Tuesday."

The latest news about the media's hatred for conservative white people can be found at Propaganda.news.

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