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Battle against carbon dioxide a ploy to TAKE AWAY FREEDOMS under the guise of “fighting climate change”
By Kevin Hughes // Jun 28, 2023

The battle against carbon dioxide (CO2) – the building block of all life on Earth – is but a ploy to take away the freedoms of humanity.

According to a June 21 article by the Daily Expose, CO2 levels on Earth have zero effect on temperatures – contrary to what climate alarmists say. A presentation by ecologist and environmentalist Dr. Patrick Moore back in October 2015 debunked the misguided hate toward CO2 and other so-called greenhouse gases. In reality, CO2 and other natural elements are crucial for sustaining life on Earth.

"Our children and our public are taught that CO2 is a toxic pollutant that will destroy life and bring civilization to its knees. I hope to turn this dangerous human-caused propaganda on its head," Moore said.

"Human emissions of CO2 have already saved life on our planet from a very untimely end – that in the absence of our emitting some of the carbon back into the atmosphere from whence it came in the first place, most or perhaps all life on Earth would begin to die less than two million years from today."

According to Moore, hydrocarbons are the energy components of fossil fuels and they are 100 percent organic, as in organic chemistry. These hydrocarbons were produced by solar energy in ancient seas and forests. When they are burned for energy, they produce two main products – water and CO2, which are the two most essential foods for life. (Related: Carbon dioxide levels have nothing to do with global temperatures, top scientist says.)

He went on to say that fossil fuels are easily the biggest storage battery of direct solar energy on Earth and nothing else comes close to it except nuclear fuel, which is also solar in the way that it was made in dying stars.

Ultimately, Moore remarked that humans are important to the Earth's survival as the planet would be lost in many ways without them.

Climate alarmists deem humans as "enemies of the Earth"

Moore is also the co-founder of environmental activist group Greenpeace, having worked there for 15 years before leaving. He explained that the group he helped establish has lost its way by believing all the current "green" deception that portrays mankind and its existence as contrary to the survival of Earth.

"When Greenpeace began, we had a strong humanitarian orientation – to save civilization from destruction by all-out nuclear war," he said. "Over the years, the 'peace' in Greenpeace was gradually lost and my organization, along with much of the environmental movement, drifted into a belief that humans are the enemies of the Earth."

Nowadays, the fight against "climate change" has been used as a convenient excuse to take away people's rights to travel, work, and gain public access to spaces. The Expose's June 21 article also noted that steps supposedly done to address "climate change" actually did more harm than good.

"Planting a cargo of well-groomed trees does not compare to a real forest, as they proceed to devastate native species trees and plants," the article said. It also mentioned that celebrities and world leaders flying in private jets essentially negates the carbon-cutting done by regular people.

Moreover, the article noted how "climate change" is actually "an onslaught on farming and food production." It cited how documentaries that decry the methane production of cows are blasted, yet the cultivation of water-intensive soya beans that ruin rainforests is conveniently ignored.

The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic was also scrutinized for the single-use plastic waste – in the form of test kits, gloves and face masks – it generated, negating the drive to ditch reusable plastic.

"The belief that humanity is helping the Earth by staying inside their homes during the COVID lockdown was a lie," the Expose continued. "Pushing the people to accept it in order to supposedly save the world they care about so much is a deception the globalists have used so that humans will sacrifice their freedom.

Watch this video that explains why claims of CO2 being destructive to the planet are anti-scientific.

This video is from the SecureLife channel on Brighteon.com.

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Sources include:

Expose-News.com 1

Expose-News.com 2


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